Page 92 - Japanese marks and seals on pottery, paper and other objects.
P. 92


                         Painted in   blue upon   a modern   imitation of Old Japan.
                    Dai Thsing, Ken-riu nen       sei.  Made   in  the year of Kenriu,
                    during the period   of Dai Thsing, a.d.   1736-1795.     A forgery
                    of the Chinese mark      of the  period  of Khien-long.

                                                   No. 23.

                         Another   forgery of the Chinese mark of the Khien-long
                     period.  Painted   in  blue upon   a circular Jar  of Old Japan,
                     of comparatively modern workmanship.

                                                    No. 24.

                          Painted  in  black upon   a Bowl    of Old Japan,    of com-
                     paratively modern workmanship.        Dai Thsing,     Ken-riu.   A
                     forgery  of the Chinese mark     of the   Khien-long period.
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