Page 400 - Bonhams Chinese and Comtemporary Paintings Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 400


1636                                                                 樓柏安 潑墨山水 設色紙本 鏡心 一九九一年作

Lou Bo’an (Lao Pakon, b.1947)                                        款識:
Landscape                                                            水隨天去秋無際。辛未(1991)春,萬豐樓人。
Ink and colour on paper, mounted                                     人。辛未(1991)初夏,萬豐樓人又記。
Inscribed and signed Wanfeng Louren, with three seals of the artist  鈐印:樓柏安、樓柏安書畫、柏安
Dated xinwei year (1991)
99.5 x 209.5 cm (39¼ x 82½ in).

HK$80,000 - 120,000
US$10,000 - 15,000

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