Page 402 - Bonhams Chinese and Comtemporary Paintings Nov 2014 Hong Kong
P. 402
1638 馮一鳴 山水 設色紙本 鏡心 一九九六年作
Feng Yiming (b.1965)
Landscape 款識:丙子(1996)春,一鳴作。
Ink and colour on paper, mounted 鈐印:一鳴
Inscribed and signed Yiming, with one seal of the artist
Dated bingzi year (1996) 來源:馬來西亞私人收藏
67 x 66 cm (26¼ x 26 in).
HK$70,000 - 90,000
US$9,000 - 12,000
Provenance: private collection, Malaysia
400 | Bonhams