Page 17 - September 11 2018 Junkunc Collection Sculpture
P. 17
Following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941, the inventories of Yamanaka’s galleries in
America fell into the custody of the United States government, which dissolved the company, seizing
and eventually selling o& much of its merchandise through auctions held at the Parke-Bernet Galleries
in New York in May and June 1944. This same year Hisazo Nagatani (d. 1994), the former manager
of Yamanaka’s Chicago gallery, established himself as an independent dealer in Chicago under the
company name Nagatani Inc. Nagatani continued to serve as a consistent source of works for Junkunc
for over three decades, supplying by far the majority of the works in the Junkunc Collection. During
the 1940s, Junkunc appears to have broadened the scope of his collecting interests to focus on earlier
material, including Song to Ming ceramics, archaic bronzes and – crucially – Buddhist sculpture. Aside
from Nagatani, he purchased extensively from auction, particularly from New York’s Parke-Bernet
Galleries, as well from Tonying & Company and C.T. Loo, both in New York.
1941Ꭱ喑ᬒ䏺֤㺟⣺⤍⍜喑㒻సᄺᬒაȡ㒻సᩬ Nagatani 㸎䈩䇤γ㽞็͚స㬊㶀৮ȡౕ1940Ꭱ
Ꮙ䯕ᴒᄮγᆞ͚ੳᰰౕ㒻స⮱Ꮨႅ喑͓ᄴڣ͚๔䘕 А䕆Ꭱ䫀喑⧷㗜ٵ⩌䔽⑥᠀ᄙγЃ⮱ᩣ㫼৮䶋喑
ܳ1944Ꭱ5ᰵࣷ ᰵౕ㈽㈱Parke-Bernet Galleries 䪸䑶ा倅ऑ喑࠲᠙ᓋႸАݝᬻА⮱䮣⨤கȠ倅ऑ⮱
䕟㵹γڙ䪸䈐喑᭯᪥Вࡰ㼵⮱㬊㶀⣺৮≮᪐̓⩹ 䱿䞲கࣷᬖ⮱҈᪆䕍ȡ䮑γ Nagatani喑ЃΌᓋ
ऱౝȡहᎡ喑࣌◧ᆞ͚ੳᰰ⮱㋀⤳ Hisazo Nagatani 䈐ᰰ ⩞ڣ᭜㈽㈱ Parke Bernet Galleries ȠѺ
1994Ꭱ䕊 ओ⿸䪭ᝣ喑⿸ Nagatani Inc 喑ₐᐼ ㈽㈱⮱䕇䕸ڙथВࣷⰔ㟦呸ぶ㮂๔䛼䈩䇤ȡ
Above The Parke-Bernet Galleries auction catalogue image illustrating lot 8 in this sale, 15th - 18th April, 1942, lot 386.
̷ ᱙ൡ䈐㌕㮌8 Parke-Bernet Galleries 䈐ృ䠱喑1942Ꭱ4ᰵ15㜠18ᬒ喑㌕㮌386