Page 22 - September 11 2018 Junkunc Collection Sculpture
P. 22
The Parke-Bernet Galleries
auction catalogue image
illustrating lot 5 in this sale,
30th-31st March 1955,
lot 301.
᱙ൡ䈐㌕㮌5 Parke-
Bernet Galleries 䈐ృ
The 1950s and 1960s witnessed perhaps the most fervent period of buying activity for Stephen Junkunc,
when he continued to make large acquisitions from Nagatani and Frank Caro, the successor of C.T.
Loo, as well as from Alice Boney and Warren E. Cox in New York, and Barling of Mount Street Ltd., in
London. His purchases during this decade, which sometimes involved acquiring up to 50 works at a time,
appear to have concentrated primarily on early material, including a number of acquisitions of Buddhist
sculpture, which consistently ranked amongst his most expensive purchases. Junkunc continued
purchasing and studying Chinese art until his death in 1978, whereupon the collection passed to his son
Stephen Junkunc IV and has remained in the family collection.
Throughout his lifetime, Stephen Junkunc, III worked closely with and actively supported the curators
at American museums. He retained a particularly long-standing relationship with the Art Institute of
Chicago (AIC), repeatedly loaning works from his collection to exhibitions through the 1940s-60s. Works
from the Junkunc Collection were also loaned to the seminal Ming Blue and White exhibition at The Art
Institute of Chicago, which traveled to the Philadelphia Museum of Art in 1949, and to the Arts of the
T’ang exhibition of 1956, at the Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art. Junkunc’s generosity
towards American museums also extended towards bequests, with gifts from his collection now housed
in the Milwaukee Public Museum, Wisconsin, and the Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami, Florida,
near his Coral Gables summer home.
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ᎡА䖁ݝγጁምȡЃ̺ײᓋ Nagatani ࣷᑄ㭚ٸɀ 乕ӈ๔߈ᩜᠮȡ䏘◧㟊ߍ⮱㫼უ喑Ѓ㜗♣㜴㟊ߍ
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ᙈ叄㊟ɀ咽㔽ࣷ Warren E. CoxȠ᪓⮱ Barling of А䫀็⁎ܧՌ㽞็ᓰᙈ⮱㫼৮ӈڣ䓓ᆂȡ⧷㗜⣺㫼
Mount Street, Ltd ぶⴒऺऑ㦐ੳ㮂ᠮ㎹䈩䇤喑ᰶ᭯ ͚⮱㫼৮ᰫᆂ㟊ߍ㬊㶀ࢇ➖乕㜶䓓⮱Ảڤᒞ䴬
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