Page 84 - September 11 2018 Junkunc Collection Sculpture
P. 84

The prevalent carving style of the
                                                                      period reflected by this bodhisattva
                                                                      figure can equally be seen on steles,
                                                                      where two such figures are flanking
                                                                      a central Buddha; see, for example,
                                                                      Matsubara Saburō, Chūgoku Bukkyō
                                                                      chōkoku shiron [Historical survey
                                                                      of Chinese Buddhist sculpture],
                                                                      Tokyo, 1995, vol. 3, particularly pls
                                                                      656b, 658b, 660b, 663a, and 670,
                                                                      for examples from the High Tang and
                                                                      slightly earlier.

                      This sculpture was once in the collection of Bettie F. Holmes, better known as Mrs. Christian Holmes
                      (1871-1941) (fig.2), a noted American collector and generous philanthropist. Her collection included
                      Chinese archaic bronzes, early jades, Tang gold and silver, ceramics of various periods, Buddhist
                      sculptures in gilt bronze and stone, and other works of art, but also Japanese, Siamese, Indian,
                      Persian and Egyptian antiquities. She was one of only four American lenders to have sent pieces to
                      the Ausstellung chinesischer Kunst at the Preußische Akademie der Künste, Berlin, 1929; and she
                      contributed nearly two dozen objects to the International Exhibition of Chinese Art at the Royal Academy
                      of Arts, London, 1935-6, the most important exhibition of Chinese art ever held. Her collection was
                      displayed among fine English and French furniture at her residence, ‘The Chimneys’, a mansion at Sands
                      Point on Long Island, New York. After her husband’s death, she established a hospital and a charitable
                      foundation in his memory and became a major donor to the Philharmonic Symphony Society and the
                      Metropolitan Opera.

                      Centuryȩ喑՘᪓喑1925Ꭱ喍䛺࢝᫩ᰩ䅤喑1998            უȡڣᩣ㫼࠲᠙͚స䱿䞲கȠऑ⢶கȠ਽А䛾䞭கȠ
                      Ꭱ喎喑ృ❵464喑ᒹᭀ᝸᫩㈽㈱Ҡธᓄ1999Ꭱ9ᰵ16             ऱА䮣⨤கȠ䞲䢼䛾ࣷⴠ䰂҈᪆䕍׼ȠڣЃऱᐼጒ㬊
                      ᬒ喑㌕㮌18喠ᒹ㔲ݴ࣌ਜ਼᫩՘᪓㬴ჹ℁1946Ꭱ11ᰵ              ৮喑Вࣷᬒ᱙Ƞ᯦㒲Ƞ࢝ᏓȠ∏᫜ࣷጹ㜅ऑ㦐ぶȡ
                      22ᬒ喑㌕㮌56ȡ̷䔝Ҹ׼䏘ಸ౴䐰᱙׼ผ֒ȡ                  ๘ϧ⮱䕆ψ⣺㫼㜴̭ψ䴯㉇⮱㠞సࣷ∂సუڤᰫ͓݄
                                                              ᆂ⹧ౕڣ౽㥪᫩㈽㈱䪤ሣ⮱Ⴒ䗥͸͚ȡHolmes            ๘
                                                              ϧᰫ᫩1929  ᎡܧՌ㫼৮㊓᳼᳄ᮛ傜ธ㬊㶀Ⴅ䮏㜶䓓
                                                              ᆂȩȡHolmes ๘ϧౕڣ̵๘䰏̓ᒹ喑◧㈭ᔢώ๘喑
                      ᱙׼ᰫᆙ Christian Holmes ๘ϧ喍1871 1941喎ᩣ
                      㫼喍ృι喎ȡHolmes ๘ϧͰ㦄ऺ㒻సᩣ㫼უࣷᙵ઱

                      Fig. 2  Mrs. Christian Holmes (1871-1941), previous owner of the present lot, Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images
                      ృι  Christian Holmes (1871-1941) ๘ϧ Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images

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