Page 45 - Christie's London Fine Chinese Ceramics Nov. 2019
P. 45
A LARGE BLUE AND WHITE, IRON-RED AND GILT-DECORATED The arms are those of Jan Albert Sichterman (1692-1764), who was a
ARMORIAL CISTERN AND COVER Director of the Dutch East India Company and Governor of Bengal from
QIANLONG PERIOD (1736-1795) 1734-1744.
The cistern is decorated to the exterior of the body with a wide central band of
precious objects amongst leafy fruiting pomegranate branches, all between
foral and diaper bands to the mouth and foot. The arms of Sichterman of 清乾隆 青花礬紅彩描金徽章紋蓋瓶
Groningen incorporating a squirrel is painted to one side, above a pierced 來源:
hole ftted with a tap. The cover is similarly decorated with the armorial crest,
precious obejcts and pomegrates encircling the bud-form fnial. 瑞士艾爾伯.梵達倫及莉奧妮.梵達倫伉儷珍藏
27º in. (69.2 cm.) high
£30,000-50,000 US$38,000-62,000