Page 20 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
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Inscription rubbing, Yuhuage jinwen  Inscription rubbing,     Inscription rubbing, Guoshi jinshi zhigao
           《鬱華閣金文》銘文拓片                    Xiaojiaojingge jinwen taben    《國史金石志稿》銘文拓片

           With two dots in Ya, the first character might also be transcribed as   鼎方唇折沿,兩側立耳略外侈,頸部鑄兩條陽線弦紋,其間凸飾回首
           two characters. There are two seals on the rubbing illustrated in the   龍紋一周,以雷紋填地,淺腹微鼓,底部有三條加強筋,下承三足,
           Compendium of Yin and Zhou Bronze Inscriptions, one reading Yu   較細瘦。
           Xingwu yin (Sealed Yu Xinyu, Yu Xingwu, 1896-1984) and the other
           reading Qizhai suocang moben (Rubbings collected by Qizhai, Shang   内壁鑄銘文八字「亞豚作父乙寶尊鼎」,亞字 内有兩點,如釋為一
           Chenzuo, 1902-1991). Yu and Shang were two reputable scholars and  字,則有九字。《殷周金文集成》所録拓本有二印,一「于省吾印」
           collectors of archaic Chinese bronzes in the early 20th century. The   為于省吾印信,一「契齋所藏墨本」為商承祚藏印,《小校經閣金
           original rubbing illustrated in Rubbings of Archaic Bronze Inscriptions   石文字》所録拓片今藏台北中央研究歷史研究所,館藏編號187677-
           at the Xiaojiaojingge Studio (1935) is held in the Institute of History and   049-3。《國史》拓本之「乙」字較《鬱華》、《小校》之「乙」字
           Philology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, acc.187677-049-3, with a clearer   漫漶,觀實物「乙」字有剃銹痕跡,故于省吾及商承祚所藏拓本應在
           rubbing of the character Yi than that in the two earlier publications,   盛昱、劉體智之前。
           which may be a result of further cleaning of the pictogram that can be
           observed on the present lot.                      中研院將此鼎斷為西周早期,亞氏活躍時間貫穿商代晚期和西周早
           The Institute of History and Philology, Academia Sinica has dated the   館藏西周恭王十五年趞曹鼎,器型及頸部一圈回顧式龍紋極似;另可
           form of this ding to the early Western Zhou dynasty, particularly its   比較一件陝西扶風出土一件西周中期穆王世三足鼎,器型、銘文亦是
           swelling belly and tapering legs. However, it was popular from the mid   同類,惟腿部加鑄倒鉤,見《中國青銅器全集·西周1》,北京,1996
           Western Zhou period. Compare the form and kui-dragons with the Jicao  年,編號27及30。
           ding, dated to the fifth year of King of Gong, Western Zhou dynasty
           (circa 913 BC), in the Shanghai Museum; and with a similar ding, King of
           Mu period (circa 947-928 BC), unearthed in Fufeng, Shaanxi Province,
           both illustrated in the Zhongguo Qingtongqi Quanji (Complete Collection
           of Chinese Bronzes), Beijing, 1996, pls.27 and 30.

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