Page 16 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 16

           A RARE ARCHAIC BRONZE WINE VESSEL, GU             Ge fuyi may be understood as ‘this piece made for (or by) the Father of
           Shang Dynasty                                     Yi in Ge family’. The rubbings of this gu are well documented in major
           The flaring trumpet neck cast with four S-scroll-filled leaves above   publications of research on archaic Chinese bronze inscriptions since
           a band of stylised cicadas, the central section cast with two taotie   1930. Although only rubbings have been recorded, the present lot can
           masks bisected by vertical flanges, the spreading foot cast with four   still be identified by the unique traces on the rubbings comparable
           stylised half-taotie masks reserved on a leiwen ground, with a crisply-  to those on the piece. The ‘Ge family’ appeared to be active and
           cast three-character pictogram inside the foot reading ge fuyi, the pale   powerful during the Shang and early Western Zhou dynasty according
           green patina with some green encrustation. 26.5cm (10 1/2in) high.  to surviving bronze vessels cast with this family pictogram.

           HKD200,000 - 300,000                              Unlike extravagant high-relief motifs on other gu vessels in the late
           US$26,000 - 39,000                                Shang or early Western Zhou dynasty, motifs on this lot were cast with
                                                             a smooth and flat finish, which may suggest some influence from other
           商 青銅戈父己觚                                          regions outside the core area of the Shang dynasty. Compare with a
                                                             similar gu in Sen-Oku Hakukokan Musuem, Kyoto, and another similar
           Provenance:                                       gu collected by Shobei Itou, both illustrated by Rong Geng, Haiwai jijin
           The Numina collection, Hong Kong                  tulu, Beijing, 1935, pls.78-79.

           香港玉古堂收藏                                           觚喇叭口,頸内束,腹微鼓,高圈足外撇,頸部飾四片蕉葉紋,蕉葉
           Published and Illustrated:                        成抽象獸面紋,雷紋填地,腹下飾弦紋兩匝,圈足飾兩組四面獸面
           Luo Zhenyu, Zhensong tang jigu yiwen (Supplement to the Gathering   紋,眼部凸起,雷紋填地。
           of Ancient Writings at the Zhensongtang Studio), 1930, vol.9, p.5, no.1
           (manuscripts of inscription)                      圈足内部一側鑄陰文三字:「戈父己」,另有墨書0-1-187編號。銘
           Luo Zhenyu, Sandai jijin wencun (Surviving Writings from the Xia,   文與著錄拓本比較可見剃銹痕跡,「父」一捺波磔處原有小塊鏽跡或
           Shang, and Zhou Dynasties), Beijing, 1937, vol.14, p.26, no.5   土塊,拓本可見一角,而實物銘文内的填充物已剃去。戈氏銘文的銅
           (inscription rubbing)                             器集中出現在商代晚期及西周早期。此器工滿三層,紋飾平面而規
           Wang Xiantang, Guoshi jinshi zhigao (A Record of Bronze and Stone   整。圈足獸面紋一反對稱形態,而是以四面相同半面獸臉,首尾相接
           Inscriptions in Chinese History), manuscript, 1943, p.969. no.110   而成。可比較日本住友春翠藏一件祖壬觚及京都伊藤庄兵衛藏饕餮紋
           (inscription rubbing)                             觚,此三觚形制、紋飾如出一轍,見容庚編,《海外吉金圖錄》,北
           Yan Yiping, Jinwen Zongji (Corpus of Bronze Inscriptions), Taipei, 1983,  京,1935年,圖版78及79。
           no.6152 (inscription rubbing)
           The Institute of Archaeology, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,
           Yinzhou jinnuen jicheng (Compendium of Yin and Zhou Bronze
           Inscriptions), Beijing, 1984, no.7135 (inscription rubbing)
           Wu Zhenfeng, Shangzhou qingtongqi mingwen ji tuxiang jicheng
           (Compendium of Inscriptions and Images of Bronzes from the Shang
           and Zhou Dynasties), Shanghai, 2012, no.9700 (inscription rubbing)

           吳鎮烽,《商周青銅器銘文暨圖像集成》,2012年,編號9700                        Inscription rubbing,    Inscription rubbing,
           (銘文拓本)                                                 Guoshi jinshi zhigao  Sandai jijin wencun
                                                                  《國史金石志稿》銘文拓本         《三代吉金文存》銘文拓片

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