Page 87 - 2020 December 1 Bonhams Hong Kong, Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of art
P. 87

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           A RARE PAINTED ENAMEL MINIATURE   This painted miniature hu vase was   銅胎,橢圓口,頸部内收,豐肩,鼓腹。器
           VASE, HU                          probably made to fit into a treasure box,   内施淺藍色釉,器口邊沿及圈足飾回紋,頸
           Blue enamel Qianlong four-character mark and    duobaoge, where small items and scholar’s   部飾蕉葉紋一周,並填黃彩,腹部通景繪
           of the period                     objects were kept and admired. Duobaoge   「靈祝福壽」圖,兩蝙蝠於雲間盤旋,並間
           The copper body of oval section subtly   treasure boxes were particularly favoured   以竹子及靈芝,近足處飾蓮瓣紋一周,口
           enamelled with a continuous scene of two bats  by the Qianlong emperor and were specially   沿、頸部及足部突出弦紋鎏金,底部藍彩書
           amidst clouds, surrounded by bamboo and   made to accommodate objects from the   「乾隆年製」楷書款。此類小型銅胎畫琺瑯
           lingzhi fungus, all between lappets and raised   emperor’s collections. One such example is a   瓶可能為多寶格中放置賞玩之器。有清以
           gilt borders at the shoulder and above the foot,   ‘Magnificent Standards’ box, Qianlong, in the   來,康熙、雍正、乾隆嘉慶幾位皇帝對個別
           the waisted neck with a collar of alternating   National Palace Museum, Taipei, made to fit   珍玩及收藏都有所鍾愛,並常命造辦處做
           large and small lappets reserved on a yellow   a small Western Zhou bronze wine vessel of   匣,以收納古玩。如台北故宮收藏的清乾隆
           ground, the foot and mouth encircled with a   similar form to the present lot, illustrated by Yu   「吉範流輝」銅器匣,内藏一件西周弦紋小
           key-fret scroll, the interior turquoise, the base   Pei-chin, Curio Boxes of Qianlong Emperor,   觶(高10厘米),其形制和此件畫琺瑯小瓶
           with a blue enamel four-character mark within    Taipei, 2020, pp.37 and 45. See also a   類似,見余佩瑾編,《皇帝的多寶格》,台
           a double square, the rims gilt, box.    wood cabinet with eight drawers, Qianlong,   北,2020年,頁37及45。另見台北故宮博物
           5.8cm (2 1/4in) high (2).         containing a small painted enamel vase, 18th   院藏一件清乾隆八屜八匣,其中裝有一件清
                                             century, illustrated ibid., pp.91 and 94.    十八世紀銅胎畫琺瑯小瓶,同著錄,頁91及
           HKD400,000 - 600,000                                               94。靈芝與蝙蝠有「福至心靈」之寓意,與
           US$52,000 - 77,000                The present lot would have been suitable as a   竹相配合,則有「靈祝福壽」之意,因此此
                                             birthday present. The evergreen bamboo serves   小瓶亦有可能為宮廷祝壽而製作。參看台北
                                             as a homophone of ‘congratulate’, whilst the   故宮博物院藏一件清乾隆銅胎畫琺瑯蘆燕圖
           清乾隆 銅胎畫琺瑯「靈祝福壽」圖瓶 藍彩              lingzhi fungus and bats represent wealth and   小瓶(高6.3厘米),著錄於《明清琺瑯器展
           「乾隆年製」楷書款                         longevity. Bamboo, lingzhi fungus and bats form   覽圖錄》,台北,1999年,圖112,頁220。
                                             the homophone of ling zhu fu shou, or ‘May the   另見香港佳士得曾售出一件清乾隆北京畫琺
                                             Immortal congratulate you on your birthday’.   瑯西洋人物小瓶(高5.8厘米),其形制與此
                                             Compare a related painted enamel miniature   瓶相似,2007年10月9日,編號1540。
                                             vase, Qianlong mark and period, painted with
                                             flowers and wild geese (6.3cm high), in the
                                             National Palace Museum, Taipei, illustrated in
                                             Enamel Ware in the Ming and Ch’ing Dynasties,
                                             Taipei, 1999, p.220, no.112. See also a
                                             European-subject Beijing enamel miniature hu
                                             vase, Qianlong mark and period (5.8cm high),
                                             which was sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 9
                                             October 2007, lot 1540.

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