Page 12 - Hu Collection of Imperial Monochromes Nov 29 2017 HK
P. 12

Mr. and Mrs. J.M. Hu, mid 1950s
         胡惠春伉儷,約 1950 年代

    1995. J.M. Hu’s boyhood studies within the Chinese literati        用的十九世紀民窯筆洗。此舉只是小試牛刀,
    tradition greatly informed his philosophical approach to life      但在胡先生跌宕多姿的藝術生涯中,卻頗具
    and collecting: humble and erudite, he consistently affirmed       象徵意義:他其後迭經戰亂,藏品亦幾番散
    that it was the visceral connection between a collector and his    聚,但在胡先生 1995 年辭世之前,這件平平
    acquisitions that was of essential importance.True value, in J.M.  無奇的筆洗卻一直長伴左右。胡先生幼年深
    Hu’s estimation, lay far beyond monetary worth.                    受中國傳統文人之熏陶,這處處體現於其豁
    The early twentieth century was a ‘golden age’ of Chinese          若谷、博雅尚美,且一再強調最重要的莫過
    collecting. With the fall of the Qing dynasty, numerous            於藏家和藏品之間的直觀感悟。在他看來,
    works of art became available for the first time, allowing both    藏品真正的價值所在,絕非金錢所能衡量。
    Chinese and international enthusiasts to assemble world-
    class private collections. Expanded foreign access to China        二 十 世 紀 初 是 收 藏 中 國 藝 術 品 的「 黃 金 年
    fostered interest in the nation’s rich history and culture, with   代」。滿清亡國之後,大量藝術品首次流入
    ambitious overseas collectors such as John D. Rockefeller, Jr.,    市場,國內外藝術同好紛紛藉此機會建立世
    John Pierpont Morgan, and Sir Percival David acquiring rare        界級的私人珍藏。當海外人士對中國的認識
    Chinese works of art. As the Chinese art market matured, J.M.      日益加深,他們對中國淵深廣博的歷史文化
    Hu contended with a growing number of buyers for prized            亦興趣大增,許多雄心勃勃的海外收藏家,
    works, aided in his quest by a personal reputation for integrity   諸如小洛克菲勒(John D. Rockefeller, Jr.)、
    and connoisseurship amongst Chinese dealers.                       摩根(John Pierpont Morgan) 及大維德爵士
                                                                       (Sir Percival David)等,皆銳意搜購各式中
    As the acquisition of Chinese works of art became increasingly     國奇珍古玩。值此中國藝術市場逐漸成形之
    competitive, J.M. Hu chose to concentrate his energies on          際,與胡先生競購名作佳器的對手亦與日俱
    Ming and Qing imperial porcelains. Qing monochromes, in            增,但他在中國古玩界素以恪信守諾、眼力
    particular, forever captured his attention. He was a fastidious
    buyer known for choosing only those pieces in pristine
    condition; on one occasion, he even rejected a pair of

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