Page 14 - Hu Collection of Imperial Monochromes Nov 29 2017 HK
P. 14

J.M. Hu’s collection of Chinese ceramics provided abundant        而生的「快然自足」,惟「暫得」現已逐漸
    opportunity for personal scholarship and historical               引申為短暫地收藏和擁有藝術品。
    investigation. As early as the 1940s, he longed for a welcoming
    social environment where like-minded collectors could             胡惠春先生庋藏的中國陶瓷,誠為有志為學
    share and discuss art and objects. Two decades later, he          和尋幽探古者之寶藏。早於二十世紀四十年
    established the Min Chiu Society in Hong Kong alongside           代,胡先生已亟欲營造理想的社會氛圍,讓
    fellow collectors K.P. Chen and J.S. Lee. A noted cultural        收藏同儕能交流和暢談藝術和藝術品。二十
    philanthropist, J.M. Hu gifted substantial groupings from his     年後,他終與藏家陳光甫、利榮森聯袂在港
    collection to the Shanghai Museum in 1950 and 1989; many          創辦敏求精舍。胡先生更是聞名遐邇的文化
    of these objects remain on view in the museum’s Zande Lou         慈善家,他曾於 1950 年及 1989 年,將大批
    Gallery. The collector also arranged to have his family’s set of  藏品贈予上海博物館,許多作品迄今仍在上
    imperial zitan furniture sent to the National Palace Museum       博的暫得樓陶瓷館內展出。此外,胡先生還
    in Taipei for display, and returned the important Siming version  將其家傳的一套御製紫檀傢具送至台北故宮
    of the Huashan Temple stele rubbing to the Palace Museum,         展出,並將意義重大的《西嶽華山廟碑》四
    Beijing.                                                          明拓本捐獻予北京故宮博物院。

    J.M. Hu remains a celebrated figure amongst collectors of         時至今日,胡惠春先生在中國藝術收藏界依
    Chinese art. The remarkable shapes and glazes of the Qing         然聲名赫赫。是次推出的清代單色釉瓷器,
    monochromes offered here serve as a reminder of the true          形制和釉色無不精妙可人,胡先生昔日珍愛
    spirit of Zande, as J.M. Hu’s beloved ceramics now bestow         的陶瓷佳作,於今在新一代鑑藏家眼中依然
    inner happiness on a new generation of connoisseurs.              悅目動人,「暫得」之真諦,於此一覽無遺。

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