Page 10 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 10

                                                        A Chinese bronze ritual wine vessel and cover, bian hu, the flattened oval   6
                                                        body is raised on a spreading rectangular foot, and the curve of the sides is   An attractive Chinese gilt-bronze archaistic vase, gu, 18th century, cast with vertical flanges and
                                                        accentuated by shallow, recessed panels that flank the pair of loops applied   two horizontal bands, with lacquered gilding, 18.5cm high, 1,292 grams
                                                        to the narrow sides, the slightly domed cover has a deep inner rim and a
                                                        loop in the centre, mottled pale olive-brown and milky green encrustation,   Provenance:
                                                        approximately 28.5cm high x 32cm wide, wood stand                          Private collection formed largely in the 1980’s and 1990’s.

                                                        Provenance:                                                                清十八世纪 铜鎏金出戟觚
                                                        Private collection and by direct inheritance to the present owner.         拍品来源:英国私人收藏

                                                        Bronze wine vessels of this flattened, oval shape, known as bian hu        £400-600
                                                        (meaning ‘flattened jar’) in Chinese, are found from as early as the Spring
                                                        and Autumn period (770 - 476 BC), remaining popular until the Han dynasty
                                                        (206 BC - 220 AD). A Warring States period bronze bian hu, unearthed
                                                        in 1977 from the tomb of King Cuo of the Zhongshan State, contained an
                                                        alcoholic drink, further proving the function of this type of vessel at that                                                                                     6
                                                        time.                                                                                                                             7
                                                                                                                                                                                          A large Chinese inlaid bronze vase, hu, 17th or 18th century, the
                                                        青铜扁壶                                                                                                                              pear-shaped body rising from a splayed foot to a waisted neck and
                             3                          拍品来源:英国私人收藏,现藏家祖母于其母亲处继承                                                                                                          flaring rim, flanked by a pair of archaistic beast handles with notched
                                                                                                                                                                                          flanges, the body and neck cast with taotie bands, separated by a
       4                                                £800-1,200                                                                                                                        band of kui dragons, all reserved on a leiwen ground, highlighted
       A large Chinese bronze octagonal gu-shaped vase, Ming Dynasty,                                                                                                                     with gold inlays, 47.5cm high, approximately 10,200 grams
       with chilong handles, with old collector’s paper label No. ‘52’ to rim,
       approximately 45cm high                                                                                                                                                            Provenance:
                                                                                                                                                                                          Formerly in a private French collection
       Private collection formed largely in the 1980’s and 1990’s.                                                                                                                        17-18世纪 铜错金饕餮纹大瓶
       明 铜花觚
       拍品来源:英国私人收藏                                                                                                                                                                        £3,000-4,000


                                        A Chinese parcel-gilt bronze incense holder,
                                        Ming Dynasty, 17  century, the cylindrical form
                                        with a tall waisted foot, narrow cylindrical
                                        neck, and galleried rim, cast and chased                                                                            7
                                        around the body with auspicious emblems
                                        all in gilt relief over a brown-patinated ring-
                                        punched ground, gilt key-fret bands at the                                                 8
                                        rim and foot, the recessed base with a four-                                               A Chinese bronze rectangular shaped two-handled censer and cover and
                                        character mark in seal script reading Hu                                                   openwork stand, Qing Dynasty, 19th century, the censer carved with fabulous
                                        Wenming zhi, 10.3cm, 269 grams                                                             creatures on a wave ground, beneath a ruyi-head band at the shoulder
                                                                                                                                   between two high-relief mask handles, the underside with a Xuande mark
                                        Provenance:                                                                                surrounded by two chilong dragons, the openwork cover with dragons and
                                        From a Swedish Collection                                                                  phoenix birds amongst the clouds beneath the dragon finial, the openwork
                                                                                                                                   stand with flowers, lingzhi and keyfrets above lingzhi feet, 23cm handle to
                                        明17世纪 "胡文明制"款铜鎏金香筒                                                                         handle and 31.7cm total height, overall weight 3,987 grams
                                                                                                                                   清十九世纪 铜镂海水龙纹香薰

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       8                                               | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                 9
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