Page 6 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 6

CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART                                                                                            CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART
                                           (PART 1)                                                                                                                     (PART 1)

                                           WEDNESDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2021 | 10.30am                                                                                         WEDNESDAY 10 NOVEMBER 2021 | 10.30am

                                           CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF                                                                                                CHINESE CERAMICS AND WORKS OF

                                           ART (PART 2) & JAPANESE, ISLAMIC AND                                                                                         ART (PART 2) & JAPANESE, ISLAMIC AND
                                           INDIAN CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART                                                                                             INDIAN CERAMICS AND WORKS OF ART

                                           THURSDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2021 | 10.30am                                                                                          THURSDAY 11 NOVEMBER 2021 | 10.30am

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