Page 201 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 201

496        499
 A Central India stone frieze fragment, 11th/12th century, 38cm high x 19.5cm wide x 11cm   A Qajar steel peacock and two birds,
 deep, on metal stand with an overall height with stand of 41cm   Iran, 19  century, the peacock on a
            short square base with a detachable
 Provenance:   tail engraved with geometrical and
 From the Mohamed Makiya Collection  floral designs, one bird with figural and
            floral decoration, the other one plain,
 £600-800   the peacock 49cm high, the birds
            21cm high (3)
 497        Provenance:
 A Lobi Zoomorphic Stool, Burkina faso, the four legs supporting a horizontal seat issuing   From the Mohamed Makiya Collection
 a diminutive stylised animal head, aged patina, 37cm long x 24cm high x 16cm wide
 From the Mohamed Makiya Collection
 £150-250   A large group of metalwork, Near
            East, Central Asia and India, 17
            century and later, comprising: two
            small Safavid bowls, one made of
            tinned copper and decorated with
            floral cartouches, 23cm diam and the
            other made of copper and with an
            inscription around the rim, 21.5cm
            diam; a Bidri silver-inlaid vase, Deccan,
            India, 24cm high, a brass domed finial,
            19cm high, a brass bowl, 23cm diam; a
            copper ewer, with the spout shaped
            as a dragon’s head, 35cm high and two
 496        Ottoman-style brass candlesticks, the
            largest 34.5cm high (8)                                          499

            From the Mohamed Makiya Collection


 An attractive Qajar khatamkari
 panel, 19  century, square, now
 converted to a table on four
 498  legs, the centre decorated with
 hexagonal plaques in khatamkari
 technique around a eight-
 pointed star, 79cm x 79cm

 From the Mohamed Makiya


 198 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                   199
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