Page 198 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 198

                                                                                         490                                       A Eastern Iran pottery bowl, probably
                                                                                         Two slipware ‘Sari’ pottery               Nishapur, 10th/11th century or later,
                                                                                         bowls, Northern Iran, circa               of rounded form on short straight
                                                                                         11-12th century, painted                  foot, the white ground decorated
                                                                                         with characteristic crested               with green splashes, undecipherable
                                                                                         bird and ‘lollipop’ flowers,              inscription in black, 20.5cm diameter;
                                                                                         decorated in brown, yellow,               an Eastern Iran pottery bowl, circa
                                                                                         russet and with white-dot                 10th/11th century or later, with brown
                                                                                         design, 21.8cm and 18.3cm                 slip decoration under a transparent
                                                                                         diameter (2)                              glaze with an undecipherable
                                                                                                                                   inscription, 18cm diameter and a small
                                                                                         Provenance:                               Kashan style bowl, decorated in blue
                                                                                         From the Mohamed Makiya                   and black under a transparent glaze,
                                                                                         Collection                                14.5cm (3)                                                 493
                                                                                         £600-800                                  Provenance:
                                                                                                                                   From the Mohamed Makiya Collection


                                                                                                                                                                                           A Safavid type blue and white dish made for export, probably Iran,
                                                                                                                                                                                           late 17  or 18th century, decorated in blue under a transparent
                                                                                                                                                                                           glaze with a central bulbous tree, the cavetto and the rim with
                                                                                                                                                                                           interlacing leaves interspersed by stylised flowers, 34.5cm

                                                                                                                                                                                           From the Mohamed Makiya Collection

       Two ‘Sari’ type pottery bowls, Northern Iran, 11-12th century, one painted in tones of brown, orange and green with a crested bird and ‘lollipop’
       flowers, 18.7cm diameter; the other with five brown slip decorated birds interspersed with designs of dots, 18.8cm diameter (2)

       From the Mohamed Makiya Collection

                                                               492                                                                 495
                                                               An Islamic pottery ‘Splashware’ bowl, probably Nishapur, 10         A Gandhara grey schist carved stone frieze fragment,
                                                               century, decorated with incised decoration and splashes of green,   3rd/4th century, the stone 21cm high x 15cm wide x 5cm
                                                               yellow and brown under transparent glaze, 19.7cm wide               deep, mounted on metal base with the overall height with
                                                                                                                                   base 28cm and a red stone section of a relief frieze, 31.5cm
                                                               Provenance:                                                         high x 17.5cm wide x 7cm deep (2)
                                                               From the Mohamed Makiya Collection
                                                               £80-120                                                             From the Mohamed Makiya Collection

                               492                                                                                                                                                                       495

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