Page 195 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 195
An engraved tinned copper basin with owner’s inscription, India, 18th
century or later, 37cm diameter
A Sukotai style bronze figure of the reclining Buddha, Thailand, 20th century, his head propped on his right
hand, with tightly curled hair and tall flame usnisa, 57.5cm long, Perspex stand
479 An Indian bronze model of an elephant with riders and open howdah, modern,
An Ayuthia bronze figure of Buddha, Thailand, modelled on a marble effect base, 65cm high overall
with hands in abhaya mudra, standing erect on
a lotus base, with tightly curled hair and flame £300-500
usnisa, traces of gilt lacquer, the figure 83cm
high and including wood base 100cm
A lacquered and gilt bronze large figure of
Buddha, Bangkok style, Thailand, early 20th 482
century, seated in sattvasana on an elaborate
tiered throne, his hands in dhyana mudra,
wearing profusely decorated robes and crown,
with tall pointed usnisa above, 118cm high
Private English Collection, Kent.
£800-1,200 483
A large Tanjore painting depicting Yashoda
with the infant Krishna, South India, 20th
century, gouache with gesso and gilt, covered
with a pair of ebony and painted panelled
doors, the pediment above decorated with
Vaishnavite emblems, 160cm x112cm x 13cm
deep, picture 120cm x 91cm
479 480
192 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553 Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT 193