Page 193 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 193
472 475
Three South Indian bronze figures of Hindu A Khmer style bronze figure of Buddha, Cambodia or Thailand, seated in sattvasana with hands
deities, Tamil Nadu, 18th-19th centuries, two in bhumisparsa and dhyana mudra, wearing elaborate belt and jewellery, his head with flared
depicting Sri Devi, the third Vishnu, each crown and conical coiffure, 55cm high
standing on lotus base on square platform,
with tall cylindrical headdress surmounted by £250-350
bud finial, 11.5cm, 9.5cm and 6.5cm high (3)
Private collection formed largely in the 1980’s
and 1990’s.
473 474
A tribal bronze shrine depicting Siva and Five small Indian bronze images, Deccan and 475
Parvati, Western Deccan, circa 19th century, South India, 18th or 19th century, comprising: a
seated together within an arched prabha, shrine with the family of Siva gathered around
the base below with a cobra and diminutive a lingam, and figures of Vishnu, Skanda, Durga 476
figures of Ganesha and Nandi facing a lingam and Lakshmi, 9cm (average height) (5) A bronze figure of Buddha, Thailand or Burma, 20th century, seated on a tiered raised
and piled offerings, 16.5cm high. throne, his hands in bhumisparsa and dhyana mudra, with elongated earlobes and tall
Provenance: flame usnisa, 82cm
Provenance: Private collection formed largely in the 1980’s
Private collection formed largely in the 1980’s and 1990’s. £250-350
and 1990’s.
A bronze figure of the crowned Buddha, Burma, seated in padmasana
with hands in bhumisparsa and dhyana mudra, on a raised throne,
wearing elaborate crown, large disc earrings and tall headdress, 32cm
190 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553 Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT 191