Page 191 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 191
466 469 470
A Kompong Thom style stone head of a deity, Cambodia or Thailand, 20th century, with tall cylindrical A South Indian granite figure of Skanda, An Indian bronze shrine depicting Siva and
headdress, 28cm high, mounted Tamil Nadu, South India, 16th/17th century, Parvati, Deccan, Southern India, circa 18th
approximately 57cm high century, the couple seated together under an
£200-300 elaborate arched prabha, diminutive figures of
Provenance: Nandi and Ganesha, along with a sivalingam in
467 From the collection of the late Jerzy front, the arch surmounted by a kalasa finial,
A fine large buff sandstone figure of a Chauri Ostrovsky, possibly obtained in Afghanistan 19.5cm high
Bearer, Central India, circa 9-11th century, the figure in the period 1965-70, when he was living
approximately 103cm high, with stand in Kabul and working as the dentist to the Provenance:
Western diplomatic corps. Private collection formed largely in the 1980’s
Provenance: and 1990’s.
Purchased form Michael Macmillan Ltd by the current £700-1,000
owner in June 1976 and with a copy of the supporting £400-600
letter from Michael Macmillan Ltd, dated June 1976.
With Michael Macmillan Ltd, 12a Cadogan Place, 471
London from 1973-1976. An Indian bronze figure of Siva and Parvati,
Western Deccan, 18 -19th century, the four-
For a closely related figure of a male attendant armed deity and consort standing together
attributed to Rajasthan in the National Museum of within a lobed aureole on rectangular base,
466 Scotland, Edinburgh (inv. no. A1970.262), see Balraj holding various attributes, a cobra head finial
Khanna and George Michell, Human and Divine: 2000 at the top, 12.5cm high and a bronze figure of
Years of Indian Sculpture, Hayward Gallery, London Parvati, Western Deccan, India, c.19th century,
2000, no.68, p.17. the Hindu goddess seated on a raised square
base with her legs loosely crossed, holding a
£3,000-5,000 sivalingam and a rosary in her hands, wearing
large disc earrings, 12.5cm high and another
11.5cm high (3)
Provenance: 469
Private collection formed largely in the 1980’s and 1990’s.
A fine Sukhothai bronze head of Buddha, Thailand, c.14th century, with
arched eyebrows and downcast eyes, formerly inlaid, the tightly curled hair
with domed usnisa, his ears with elongated lobes, 35cm high
Private family collection; thought to have been acquired in the 1980s from
Michael Pearson, Bond Street on the advice of the late Robert Kleiner.
The distinctive style of the short-lived Sukhothai kingdom is perhaps the
most characteristic and admired, as well as the earliest, of the core Thai
schools of sculpture, flourishing mostly in the fourteenth century. For a
very closely related head of Buddha in the National Museum, Bangkok, see
Jean Boisselier, The Heritage of Thai Sculpture, New York 1975, pl.12, p.31.
£7,000-10,000 471
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