Page 24 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 24


       43                             44
       A Chinese ‘Qiangjin’ and ‘Tianqi’ Dragon   A large Chinese lacquered ‘Phoenix’
       panel, Qing Dynasty, now a giltwood low   panel, Qing Dynasty, the panel 18th
       coffee table in French 18th century style,   century, now mounted as a coffee table,
       on cabriole legs, 37cm high, 78cm square  the panel 144.5cm x 94.5cm, the table
                                      20th century
       Provenance:                                                                                                                                                                                  46
       Property from a deceased estate   Provenance:
                                      Purchased by the current owner from
       清 黑地戗金填漆龙纹桌面                   Malletts, London in 2009 (£14,500).
                                      清十八世纪 黑漆款彩凤鸟图屏
       £300-500                       拍品来源:现藏家于2009年以14500
                                      镑的价格购自伦敦Malletts                                                                                                                46
                                                                                                                                                                      A Chinese lacquer box and cover, Qing Dynasty, the cover painted in gilt with an elephant with a
                                      £2,000-3,000                                                                                                                    vase on its back and the sides carved with simulated panels of rattan between raised borders in
                                                                                                                                                                      black, red and gilt, 22.5cm square

                                                                                                                                                                      清 红漆描金太平有象图盖盒


                                                                             45                                                                                       47
                                                                             A pair of Chinese carved hardwood and                                                    A Chinese carved cinnabar lacquer brush and cover, late Ming Dynasty, 17th century, the slender
                                                                             mother of pearl armchairs, Qing Dynasty, late                                            cylindrical form well-carved with a continuous scene of scholars amidst rockwork conversing
                                                                             19th century, each with disc centred back with                                           beneath overhanging pine trees, with a small pavilion, pagoda and craggy mountains in the
                                                                             foliate carved and pierced decoration over a                                             distance, all against a diaper ground, the fitted cover similarly decorated, 26cm long
                                                                             panelled seat, 98cm high x 65cm wide arm to
                                                                             arm and 47.5cm deep (2)                                                                  明17世纪 剔红笔

                                                                             清十九世纪晚期 硬木嵌螺钿玫瑰椅一对                                                                       £1,000-1,500

                                                                             £600-1,000                                                             47


       22                                              | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                                                                                23
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