Page 27 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 27

            A Chinese ‘Sages’ bamboo brush pot, signed Chun Jiang, carved from a
            cylindrical section of bamboo in varying layers of relief with sages writing
            calligraphy, and conversing, all the while being attended by servants, among
            gnarled pine trees and jagged rocks, fitted with a hardwood mouth rim and
            base, 16cm high x 14cm diameter


            A rare Chinese carved aloeswood brush pot, Qing Dynasty, the natural recesses in
            the wood carved with trees and buildings, inlet base plate, 11cm high x 16cm wide

            清 沉香松山隐士图笔筒




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 A carved and painted zitan wood figure of a Mahasiddha, Bhutan or Tibet, 17th or early 18th century, seated with legs loosely crossed on a double   A Chinese bamboo brush pot, Qing Dynasty, incised with bamboos and garden
 lotus throne, his right arm raised, his left on his lap, holding a rope(?), with gold painted body and green face, wearing elaborate crown and disc   rocks on one side and the other side with poem and the signature of Zhu
 earrings, surrounded by a profusely carved scrolling prabha, 21.5cm high  Sansong, 14.4cm high

 Provenance:   清 朱三松款竹雕笔筒
 By repute collected by the current owner’s maternal grandfather, George Leeson, while working in North-East India between circa 1898 and 1935.
 17-18世纪 紫檀鎏金大成就者像

 £2,000-3,000                                                                             51

 24 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                    25
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