Page 69 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 69

140        143
 A Chinese carved Qingbai ‘twin fish’ bowl, Song or Yuan   A Chinese shufu type white glazed stem cup, Yuan Dynasty (1279-1368), the cup with a slightly
 Dynasty, the rounded sides rising to a gently everted rim, the   everted rim and standing on a high foot, the interior moulded with stylised lotus petals enclosing
 interior freely carved with a lively pair of addorsed carp on   various floral patterns, 8.5cm high x 9cm diameter
 a combed wave ground, applied overall with a translucent
 pale bluish-green glaze, the foot rim and recessed base partly   Provenance:
 unglazed, 20cm diameter   From the collection of the late J.B. da Silva (1918-2003) and by family descent. Bought from Helen
            Expir (who in turn purchased it at Sotheby’s, 11 December 1984, Lot 286). Previously in the R.F.A.
 Provenance:   Riesco (1877-1964) collection (label inside stem). No receipt but mentioned in collection notes.
 The property of a Gentleman purchased, Adams, Dublin, 3rd
 November 2018, lot 63  Exhibition:
            Oriental Ceramic Society, Hong Kong, 1979, Plate No. 70
 140  宋-元 青白釉双鱼碗
 拍品来源:现藏家于2018年11月3日购自都柏林Adams,拍  元 卵白釉模印莲瓣纹高足碗
 品编号63号     拍品来源:前英国外务部官员J.B. da Silva (1918-2003) 私人收藏,购自Helen Expir,其于
            1984年12月11日购自苏富比,此前曾为英国大律师及著名中国陶瓷收藏家R.F.A. Riesco收
 £600-800   藏的一部分                                                                                143


 Two Qingbai bowls, Song Dynasty, 17cm and
 12.5cm diameter and a Qingbai circular box
 and cover, 6cm diameter (3)

 宋 青白釉盏两件及小粉盒一件


 142 Y
 A Qingbai-type bowl, Yuan Dynasty, with floral moulded
 exterior and key-fret band, unglazed foot rim, approximately
 15cm diameter and a Qingbai-type censer, Yuan Dynasty, with
 central tapering cylindrical holder to the inside, 9.2cm diameter,
 with pierced wood cover with coral finial (2)
 元 青白釉钵等两件



            A Chinese longquan celadon vase, Ming Dynasty, potted with a globular body rising from a slightly tapered foot to a wide cylindrical neck flaring
 142        to an everted rim, 14cm high; a small longquan celadon cover jar, Ming Dynasty, 7.8cm high; two black glazed jars, Ming Dynasty, the largest 8.6cm
            high, etc. (13)



 66 | +44 (0) 1635 553 553     Buyer’s Premium of 25% +VAT                                    67
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