Page 70 - Dreweatts November 10 2021 Chinese Works of Art
P. 70

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                                                                             A Chinese Longquan celadon tripod censer,             A large Chinese Longquan celadon dish,
                                                                             Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), raised on three             Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), the dish is
                                                                             feet and covered with a thick glaze of soft           carved in the centre with a medallion of
                                                                             sea-green colour except for the central area          a trellis diaper, surrounded by fluently
                                                                             of the interior which was left in the biscuit and     carved floral scrolls in the well, covered
                                                                             impressed with flower spray, 23.2cm diameter,         inside and out with a thick glaze of sea-
                                                                             with Japanese double wood box                         green tone, except for a wide ring on
                                                                                                                                   the base which has burnt orange in the
                                                                             明 龙泉窑青釉三足洗                                            firing, approximately 38cm diameter,
                                                                                                                                   wood stand
                                                                                                                                   From the collection of the late Jean
                                                                                                                                   Jardine Johnstone Keswick (1885-1977)
       146                                                                                                                         and by family descent. Jean Keswick lived
       Two Chinese Longquan celadon dishes, Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), one dish is supported on a short foot and the interior is moulded with ribs   in Hong Kong as far back as the 19th
       surrounding a central moulded flower spray, the glaze is of a pale celadon tone and the other with central carved flower surrounded by scrolls,   century, and was part of the business
       34cm and 35cm diameter, two hardwood stands (2)                                                                             dynasty of Scottish origin associated
                                                                                                                                   with the Far East region since 1855, and
       Provenance:                                                                                                                 in particular the conglomerate Jardine
       From the collection of the late Jean Jardine Johnstone Keswick (1885-1977) and by family descent. Jean Keswick lived in Hong Kong as far back   Matheson.
       as the 19th century, and was part of the business dynasty of Scottish origin associated with the Far East region since 1855, and in particular the
       conglomerate Jardine Matheson.                                                                                              明 龙泉青釉大盘
                                                                                                                                   拍品来源:英国Jean Jardine
       明 龙泉青釉盘两件                                                                                                                   Johnstone Keswick (1885-1977) 家族私
       拍品来源:英国Jean Jardine Johnstone Keswick (1885-1977) 家族私人收藏,其曾于晚清时居于香港                                                         人收藏,其曾于晚清时居于香港
       £300-500                                                                                                                    £600-800

                                                                                                                                   A good Chinese small Guan-type vase, hu,
                                                                                                                                   with underglaze blue Qianlong six character
                                                                                                                                   seal mark, with a pair of lug handles, covered
                                                                                                                                   with a white-grey glaze suffused with an
                                                                                                                                   irregular network of black (‘iron wire’) crackle
                                                                                                                                   interspersed with pale golden crackle (‘golden
                                                                                                                                   threads’) that also covers the foot, the
                                                        146                                                                        bottom of the foot with a brown dressing,
                                                                                                                                   12cm high




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