Page 117 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 117

The seal reading pianyue or ‘crescent moon’ on the upper right   杯四方形,倭角,斜壁,圈足。杯身兩邊飾礬紅描金螭龍雙耳,外壁以
           corner, followed by the poem, and the two iron-red seals reading tao   粉彩繪通景碧水青山,山明水秀,北窗高臥,如世外桃源,一幅水木清
           zhu at the end of the poem were pseudonyms used by Tang Ying to   華,悠然寧靜之景。杯另一面以墨彩書詩句:「水心雲影間相照,村下
           sign his poetic inscriptions on porcelain; see Geng Baochang, ‘Tan   泉聲各自來」,詩首落款「片月」,詩尾落款「陶」、「鑄」。此詩句
           Tang Ying kuan de ciqi ji qita’ (A discussion on Tang Ying marked   原出宋代程顥《遊月陂》,程顥(1032—1085),字伯淳,人稱明道
           porcelain), Jingdezhen taoci, Jingdezhen, 1982, no.2; and a further   先生,原籍河南府(今河南洛陽),生於湖北黃陂縣。宋代大儒,理
           discussion by P.Y.K.Lam, ‘Tang Ying (1682-1756): The Imperial Factory  學家、教育家。作詩者巧妙將原詩中「林」字替換,作「村下泉聲各
           Superintendent at Jingdezhen’, Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic   自來」,以呼應小杯所繪之青山流水人家之景,同時又與原詩對世事
           Society, vol.63, 1998-1999, p.65.                 變化無常之淡然的表達不相衝突。

           For similar examples by Tang Ying with pianyue or tao zhu seal marks   從紋飾及題詩風格,以及「片月」、「陶鑄」落款可知,此杯為雍
           in public collections, see a celadon-glazed famille rose bamboo-shaped   正、乾隆年間督陶官唐英自製之器。唐氏除督理宮廷窯務之外,其
           brush pot, Qianlong, in the Capital Museum, Beijing, illustrated by Geng   本人亦攻書善畫,晚年在督陶之餘曾親自設計並將自己的詩書畫印
           Baochang, ming qing ciqi jianding, Hong Kong, 1993, p.291, no.497;   描繪在陶坯上製成瓷器,此杯或為其中一例。唐英本人精詩、書、
           and another brush pot decorated in sepia enamel, in the Art Museum   陶三藝於一身,書法藝術尤以行書突出,上乘魏晉、漢、唐、宋之
           of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, illustrated by P.Y.K.Lam, ibid.,   風,融入前人章法,行筆流暢,氣韻生動,形成自己風格。而其繪畫
           fig.5. Compare also a coral-ground famille rose ‘Tang Ying’ bowl, also   則遠師董其昌,亦說受王原祁影響,長於山水,拙中帶秀,清雋雅
           unmarked and with iron-red pianyue and tao zhu seal marks, illustrated   逸。有關唐英製瓷器的更多討論,可見耿寶昌,《談唐英款的瓷器及
           in Sotheby’s Thirty Years in Hong Kong, Hong Kong, 2003, p.314,   其他》,著錄於《景德鎮陶瓷》,景德鎮,1982年02期,以及林業
           pl.355, which was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 1 December 2009,   強,〈Tang Ying (1682-1756). The Imperial Factory Superintendent at
           lot 1921. Compare also the related landscape decoration on a lantern-  Jingdezhen〉,《東方陶瓷學會彙刊》,卷63,1988-89年,頁65。
           shaped vase with an inscription by Tang Ying, early Qianlong period,
           illustrated by J.Thompson, The Alan Chuang Collection of Chinese   鈐有「陶鑄」及「片月」款唐英製瓷之例,見北京首都博物館藏一件
           Porcelain, Hong Kong, 2009, pp.236-239, no.101.   清乾隆冬青釉粉彩梅花唐英題句竹節式筆筒,詩末鈐有「陶鑄」印,
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