Page 116 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 116

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           A RARE FAMILLE ROSE ‘TANG YING’ ‘LANDSCAPE’ CUP   The cup is inscribed on the reverse with a poem composed by the
           Qianlong                                          celebrated supervisor of the Imperial kilns in Jingdezhen, Tang Ying
           Finely enamelled in delicate shades of pink, green, grisaille, white and   (1682-1756). The inscription is written in xingshu or cursive script and
           coral red with a verdant mountainous riverscape encircling pagodas   may be translated as follows:
           and pavilions, wutong and various trees, a waterfall and a bridge,
           depicting a figure fishing on the river bank accompanied by his   In the depth of the water,
           attendant, inscribed on the reverse with a fourteen-character couplet   shadows of the clouds reflect each other.
           and three iron-red seals, the octagonal vessel rising from a short foot   The sound of the stream,
           to a flaring rim, flanked by a pair of iron-red stylised handles highlighted  can be heard coming from beyond the village.
           in gilt with archaistic motifs, fitted box.
           11cm (4 1/4in) wide (2).                          The poem is a version of a composition by the Song dynasty neo-
                                                             Confucian philosopher Cheng Hao (1032-1085), also known as one of
           HK$600,000 - 800,000                              the ‘Six Masters of Northern Song’ for their philosophical contributions.
           US$77,000 - 100,000                               In the third line, Tang Ying cleverly replaced the first character lin trees,
                                                             with cun, villages or village houses to reflect the countryside scenery
                                                             elegantly enamelled on the present cup.
           清乾隆 唐英製粉彩山水圖題詩雙耳方杯
           「片月」、「陶」、「鑄」印                                     The cup belongs to a very small group of Imperial quality porcelain
                                                             which is associated with Tang Ying, the influential superintendent of the
           Provenance:                                       Imperial kilns between 1726-1756, serving both the Yongzheng and
           Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 27 April 2003, lot 177       Qianlong Emperors. Considered to be the most innovative and talented
           A distinguished Asian private collection          figure in China’s porcelain industry during the Qing dynasty, Tang
                                                             Ying was also regarded as a competent potter, painter, calligrapher
           來源:                                               and art connoisseur. His experience and insight into the challenges
           香港蘇富比,2003年4月27日,拍品編號177                          of porcelain production allowed him to make essential changes in the
           重要亞洲私人收藏                                          structure of the factory and brought technical improvement and artistic
                                                             innovation to the production, made to highly exacting standards.

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