Page 111 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 111
A VERY FINE AND RARE IMPERIAL without the raised gilt-bronze and coral finial, in the
CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL SEAL PASTE Qing Court Collection, illustrated in Compendium
BOX AND COVER of Collections in the Palace Museum, Enamels,
Incised Qianlong four-character mark and nian Cloisonné in the Qing Dynasty 2, Beijing, 2011,
character and of the period pp.312-313 and 315, nos.247-250 and 253. The
Of domed circular form rising from a short straight box and cover belong to a group of gilt-bronze and
foot, the domed cover vividly enamelled in various cloisonné enamel works of art with incised Qianlong
tones of red, yellow, pink and blue with four stylised kaishu marks and an additional single-character
blossoming lotus issuing from scrolling tendrils kaishu mark. For a discussion relating to the
encircling a raised gilt bloom, the box similarly additional character mark, please refer to Lot 33.
decorated with scrolling daisy, all reserved on a rich
turquoise ground, the gilt underside inscribed with A related cloisonné enamel seal paste box and
a four-character reign mark and a nian character. cover, Qianlong mark and period, but without the
6.8cm (2 5/8in) diam. (2). raised finial, was sold in our London Rooms,
10 November 2011, lot 492.
HK$300,000 - 400,000
US$38,000 - 51,000 此圓盒工雖小巧但工藝精湛,紋飾清晰。同類圓盒
清乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋圓蓋盒 盒,以鐫有千字文款,但蓋面均無鎏金鈕,著錄於
陰刻「乾隆年製」、「念」楷書款 《故宮博物院藏品大系:琺瑯器編2清掐絲琺瑯》,
The present lot is one of the finest examples 253。乾隆時期御製銅胎掐絲琺瑯器除鐫刻紀年款
of Imperial cloisonné enamel seal paste boxes, 外,還會出現附加刻字款,俗稱千字文款。有關千
distinguished by the rare embellishment on the cover 字文探討,請參考拍品編號33腳註。
of a coral cabochon encircled by raised gilt-bronze
lotus lappets. Compare related cloisonné enamel 倫敦邦瀚斯曾售出一件類似的銅胎掐絲琺瑯蓋盒,
seal paste boxes and covers, Qianlong marks 盒蓋亦無鈕,2011年11月10日,拍品編號492。
with additional character and of the period, but