Page 110 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 110

           AN IMPERIAL CLOISONNÉ ENAMEL TRIPOD               The incense burner belongs to a group of gilt-bronze and cloisonné
           INCENSE BURNER, DING                              enamel works of art with incised Qianlong kaishu marks and an
           Incised Qianlong four-character mark and fei character and   additional single-character kaishu mark. For a discussion relating to
           of the period                                     the additional character mark, please refer to Lot 33.
           The compressed globular body raised on three short tapering legs,
           surmounted by a pair of gilt arched handles, vibrantly decorated   A similar cloisonné enamel tripod incense burner, Qianlong mark and
           in red, blue, yellow, green and white enamels on a rich turquoise   period (with an associated cover), was sold in our London Rooms,
           ground around the exterior with scrolling lotus blossoms borne on   12 November 2015, lot 218; see also a related cloisonné enamel
           leafy tendrils, the underside with a leafy floret meander encircling a   tripod incense burner, Qianlong mark and period, which was sold
           gilt square incised with a four-character reign mark and an additional   at Sotheby’s London, 14 May 2014, lot 140; and compare a related
           character fei.                                    cloisonné enamel ‘chrysanthemum’ tripod incense burner, Qianlong
           10.6cm (4 1/8in) wide                             mark and period, which was sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 29 May
                                                             2013, lot 2059.
           HK$200,000 - 300,000
           US$26,000 - 38,000                                北京故宮博物院清宮舊藏一件清乾隆掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋乳足爐,底鐫
           清乾隆 銅胎掐絲琺瑯纏枝蓮紋乳足爐                                 見同著錄一例,紋飾稍有不同,頁281,編號225。
           Compare a cloisonné enamel incense burner of very similar form and   款,俗稱千字文款。有關千字文探討,請參考拍品編號33腳註。
           design, but with an additional mian-character mark in the Qing Court
           Collection, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace   邦瀚斯倫敦曾經售出清乾隆一例(後配蓋),2015年11月12日,拍品
           Museum, Enamels, Cloisonné in the Qing Dynasty, 2, Beijing, 2011,   編號218;另見蘇富比倫敦售出一例,2014年5月14日,拍品編號140
           p.280, no.224.                                    ;佳士得香港曾售出一件器形類似的清乾隆纏枝菊紋乳足爐,2013年

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