Page 142 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 142

49  Y
           17th/18th century
           The long boat deftly carved in openwork with a leisurely scene depicting
           the poet Su Dongpo and his two guests seated in the cabin gazing into
           the far distance, surrounded by a table scattered with cups, chopsticks,
           and tiny rice steamers, the other end of the boat carved with a young
           servant boiling tea and a boatman rowing the sampan, the horn of a
           dark amber tone with traces of cinnabar lacquer.
           13cm (5in) long
           HK$140,000 - 160,000
           US$18,000 - 20,000
           十七/十八世紀 犀角雕赤壁泛舟擺件

           An important European private collection, and thence by descent

           Published and Illustrated:
           J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, London,
           1999, pp.110-111, pl.106



           Most rhinoceros horn carvings are made into cups and vessels, and   此舟以犀角雕成。舟上圍坐著蘇東坡,其左邊為黃庭堅,右邊為佛印
           very rarely are they carved as works of art made for other purposes or   和尚,三人邊品茶香,邊昂首觀賞遠處景色。船尾有一家僕煮茗,旁
           simply to be admired. This playful piece of carving masterfully captures  邊有一艄公搖槳。船上桌案上茶杯、飯碗、筷子羅列。三人嘴角微微
           the naturalistic postures and facial expressions of the five figures,   上揚,神情輕鬆自在。此作品造型小巧精細,採用浮雕、透雕、圓雕
           delightfully conveying a sense of dynamism and liveliness emanating   等工藝,人物神態及體態逼真生動,充滿活力,匠心獨運,饒有佳
           from the figures even as they are carved sitting still within the boat. The  趣。此外,犀角多數被雕製成杯子及其他器皿,甚少被雕刻成用以觀
           subject matter commemorates the work of the renowned poet Su Shi   賞的陳設器或其他用途的作品,本拍品實屬難得一見的珍品。 此作品
           (1037-1101) and his most celebrated poem ‘Ode to the Red Cliffs’,   所雕畫的是北宋著名詩人蘇軾(1037-1101)所著《赤壁賦》中其與黃庭
           which refers to the visits to the scenic site of the Red Cliffs by Su Shi   堅、佛印和尚泛舟遊赤壁的情景。「蘇東坡夜遊赤壁」在明清兩代是
           with his companions Huang Tingjian and the monk Foyin. This image   雕刻藝術家常用之題材,亦常見於以其他材料製成的作品上,包括瓷
           of the poet travelling in a boat with his companions was very popular   器、玉器、犀角杯等。雖為犀角雕常見題材,但傳世品中只有見過以
           during the Ming and Qing dynasties, and was frequently used as   浮雕手法雕製成的犀角杯,從未見於類似於本拍品的圓雕作品上,相
           decoration on various media including porcelain, jade and rhinoceros   關例子可參考J.Chapman,《中國犀角雕刻藝術》,倫敦,1999年,
           horn. However, whilst other depictions of episodes from the ‘Ode to   頁210-212,圖289-291;亦參看霍滿堂著,《中國犀角雕刻珍賞》,
           the Red Cliffs’ are known in rhinoceros horn carvings, these are found   香港,1999年,圖130,132-133及137。
           only as relief decoration on libation cups and not in the round as the
           present lot; see J.Chapman, ibid., pp.210-212, pls.289-291; and   同一題材的犀角圓雕作品目前僅此一例。其他題材之圓雕作品可參考
           T.Fok, Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, Hong   北京故宮博物館藏清宮舊藏幾件明晚期犀角雕仙人乘槎杯,見《故宮
           Kong, 1999, nos.130 and 132-133, and 137.         博物院藏文物珍品全集:竹木牙角雕刻》,香港,2002年,圖118-
           No other similar examples appear to have been published; compare   11月30日,拍品編號2913。
           however related rhinoceros horn carvings of Zhang Qian in a boat, late
           Ming dynasty, in the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in The Complete
           Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Bamboo, Wood, Ivory
           and Rhinoceros Horn Carvings, Hong Kong, 2002, nos.118-120 and
           122; and see another related example, 17th/18th century, which was
           sold at Christie’s Hong Kong, 30 November 2011, lot 2913.

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