Page 155 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 155

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           A RHINOCEROS HORN ‘ROCKY LANDSCAPE’ LIBATION CUP  The present lot is remarkable for the masterful carving incorporating
           17th/18th century                                 the harmonious mountainous landscape into the rhinoceros horn,
           Intricately and crisply carved in various levels of relief with a continuous  successfully rendering the multi-layered carving from the swirling stream
           landscape encircling a wooded pavilion surrounded by gnarled pine   to the naturalistic gnarled branches and craggy overhanging cliffs.
           and wutong trees, all amidst large rocky outcrops with the fast-flowing   For related examples of rhinoceros horn libation cups with the
           river cascading through the jagged cliffs, the openwork handle in the   craggy cliffs executed in a similar manner, compare with one in the
           form of further gnarled pine trunks reaching over the rim, the horn of   collection of Harvard University Art Museum, illustrated by T.Fok,
           an attractive honey-brown tone. 15.9cm (6 1/4in) wide  Connoisseurship of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, Hong Kong,
                                                             1999, pl.131, and another in the Hong Kong Museum of Art, pl.143;
           HK$100,000 - 150,000                              see also an example formerly in the Edward and Franklin Chow
           US$13,000 - 19,000                                Collection, in the Asian Civilisations Museum, Singapore, illustrated by
                                                             J.Chapman, The Art of Rhinoceros Horn Carving in China, London,
           十七/十八世紀 犀角雕山水圖杯                                   1999, p.238, pl.345. See a related rhinoceros horn ‘river landscape’
                                                             libation cup, by Sheng Fugong, 17th century, which was sold at
                                                             Christie’s Hong Kong, 8 October 2013, lot 3153.
           Christie’s London, South Kensington, 11 June 1998, lot 364   此杯敞口斂足,平底,雕松柏等樹木為鋬,松枝延伸至口內,外壁雕
           A Hong Kong private collection                    山石、水紋等,山崖突兀,崖邊圍有多株松樹和梧桐樹,林木疏朗,
           來源:                                               成,刀工細緻,藏鋒清晰,工藝精良,圖紋層次分明,代表了當時犀
           倫敦佳士得,南肯辛頓,1998年6月11日,拍品編號364                     角雕工藝的水平。其他犀角雕山石紋杯的例子可參考哈佛大學博物館
           香港私人收藏                                            藏一件十七世紀松崖流溪杯,見霍滿堂,《中國犀角雕刻珍賞》,香
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