Page 151 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 151

The present cup depicts a continuous landscape with a fisherman,   此杯以犀角雕成,敞口斂足。外壁雕漁樵耕讀圖。背景為河崖山景,
           woodcutter, farmer and scholar, representing the ‘Four Noble   崖頂雲霧瀰漫,林木處處。兩棵蒼勁有力的松樹和柏樹立於杯側,巧
           Occupations’ which comprise the Chinese four-layered traditional   妙地形成杯柄。樵夫背挑柴擔和漁夫在岸邊樹下休息,隔岸亭中一書
           social structure. While this subject matter was much favoured   生正在閱讀,河上竹木橋上有一農夫荷鋤出耕,橋下溪水激流,顯出
           during the Ming and Qing dynasties, also appearing in other media   一派太平祥和的景象。此作品採用高浮雕、淺浮雕和透雕技法,刻工
           including paintings, porcelain and jade carvings, it is very rarely found   高超,刀法精絕,紋理細密,構圖嚴謹,整體展出犀角雕刻的藝術魅
           in rhinoceros horn carving; compare, however, a related smaller   力。
           rhinoceros horn libation cup, 18th century, carved with only two of the
           ‘Four Noble Occupations’, the fisherman and woodcutter, which was   漁樵耕讀指的是漁夫、樵夫、農夫與書生,是中國農耕社會四個比較
           sold at Sotheby’s London, 14 November 2000, lot 35.   重要的職業,代表了中國古代勞動人民的基本生活方式,為明清時期
           The complex decoration on the present lot, employing both elaborate   其他材料製成的作品包括畫作、瓷器和玉雕等,但甚少見於犀角雕作
           openwork technique as well as meticulous relief carving in various   品上,可見本品之珍罕。倫敦蘇富比曾售出一件十八世紀犀角漁樵圖
           levels, is strikingly sophisticated and successfully conveys a sense of   杯可資比較,2000年11月14日,拍品編號35。
           liveliness, demonstrating the virtuosity of the master carver.

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