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P. 36

The jade boulder is carved with the characters:   and approved by the emperor. When Prince Yunli died in 1738, the
                                                             Qianlong Emperor ordered an additional memorial ceremony and a
           如南山之壽,以介景福。                                       posthumous name was given to honour his lifetime accomplishments.

           Which may be translated as:                       The present jade boulder is exquisitely carved enabling the beholder to
                                                             first appreciate the luminous quality of the white jade stone highlighted
           ‘Resembling the longevity of Southern Mountain so thou will have   against the contrast of the russet-toned deftly carved mountains. A
           bright fortune.’                                  second look observes the graduated mountains geometrically yet
                                                             naturally carved. The eye is then free to roam the scene of the fluttering
           The line is taken from the ancient Classic of Poetry, Shijing, part of the   bats released from the box held by a boy ascending towards the cloud
           Confucian Canon. The ‘Southern Mountain’ refers to the auspicious   wisps emerging from the double gourd held by his companion amidst
           mountain south of the ancient capital of Xian.    the tranquil landscape. This scene may depict the Hehe Erxian, also
                                                             known as the Immortals of Harmony and Union. The bats represent
           The jade is carved in an oval cartouche enclosing the two characters   auspicious wishes and good fortune and therefore this scene would
           Chunhe 春和 or ‘Peaceful Spring’. The seal indicates that the   have been complemented by the carved poetry meant to bestow upon
           inscription was composed by Prince Yunli 允禮 (originally named Yinli   the owner good wishes and fortune.
           胤禮 1697-1738), the seventeenth son of the Kangxi Emperor. Prince
           Yunli was a fine scholar and patron of the arts, and compiled an   Very similar workmanship, particularly evident in the distinct sharp
           anthology of his own poetry entitled Chunhe Tang Ji 春和堂集 or ‘The   contours and manner of execution of the mountains, can be seen
           Collected Works of the Master of Peaceful Spring Hall’. He was also   on an Imperially-inscribed pale green and russet jade boulder, Qing
           known as the Master of Chunhe 春和主人 whose studio names were   dynasty, from the Qing Court Collection, illustrated in The Complete
           also recorded as Chunhe Tang 春和堂 or Jingyuan Zhai 靜遠齋, see   Collection of Treasures of the Palace Museum: Jadeware II, Shanghai,
           Qingren shiming biecheng zihao suoyin, (Guide to the Studio Names,   2008, no.52; compare also the jagged rockwork on the Qing Court
           Alternate Names, Personal Names and Sobriquets of Qing   painting from the Qing Court Collection in the Palace Museum, Beijing,
           Era People), Shanghai, 2001, no.802.              depicting the Yongzheng Emperor in various guises Yinzhen at Play:
                                                             Attacking a Tiger with a Trident, illustrated in Harmony and Integrity:
           As the seventeenth son of the Kangxi Emperor, Prince Yunli was   The Yongzheng Emperor and His Times, Taipei, 2009, p.308, pl.II-111.
           able to cultivate his passion for calligraphy, classical learning and   See also the similar style of carving of the wutong leaves on a white
           poetry - in which he excelled - since childhood. Modelling himself as   and russet jade boulder, Qing dynasty, imperially inscribed by the
           a traditional Chinese literatus, refined and well read, he was shrewd   Qianlong Emperor, illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the
           enough to distance himself from factional Court politics and struggles   Palace Museum: Jade 8 Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2010, no.120.
           for succession to the Imperial throne. Yet despite his caution towards
           politics, according to the official histories he rose high in the Qing   The exceptional quality, imaginative design and technical virtuosity
           government due to his honesty and diligence.      achieved by the master carver exemplifies the zenith of jade
                                                             craftsmanship achieved by the jade ateliers during the Yongzheng or
           In April 1723, when his elder half-brother Prince Yinzhen became the   early Qianlong periods. This is made even more remarkable given the
           Yongzheng Emperor, Prince Yunli was granted the title of Prince Guo of   rarity of such extraordinary jade material, which only became more
           the Second Rank 果郡王. In 1725 he was awarded a higher allowance   available following the Qianlong Emperor’s conquest of the Dzungar
           for his services and was promoted to Prince Guo of the First Rank 果親  Khanate, now known as Xinjiang, between 1755 and 1759. The rarity
           王. In 1727 Prince Yunli was further appointed as the Grand Secretariat   and jewel-like quality of the present jade boulder indicates it was
           of the Households Department or Hubu, which oversaw household   specially commissioned for an important occasion such as an Imperial
           census and determined the associated taxation. In 1734, Prince   birthday or ascent to the throne, making it likely that it was gifted by
           Yunli who was known as a patron and scholar of Tibetan Buddhism   Prince Yunli to the Yongzheng or Qianlong Emperors.
           and the arts, escorted the Dalai Lama back to Tibet from his visit to
           the Qing Court, inspecting military forces along the way. The strong   For another work carved with mark of Chunhe see a pebble-shaped
           personal relationship and trust between Prince Yunli and his brother the   jade snuff bottle, illustrated by S.Sargent, ed., Franz Art: Chinese Art
           Yongzheng Emperor was clearly demonstrated when the Yongzheng   from the Hedda and Lutz Franz Collection – Jade, Hong Kong, 2010,
           Emperor fell gravely ill; he entrusted Prince Yunli with raising and   p.164; see also an Yixing teapot, 18th century, made for Yunli with
           supporting the heir-apparent Prince Hongli, the future Qianlong Emperor.  the studio mark of Jingyuan Zhai, illustrated in Purple Clay Wares:
                                                             The K.S. Lo Collection, Flagstaff House Museum of Tea Ware, Hong
           During the Qianlong Emperor’s reign, Prince Yunli was appointed to   Kong, 2002, p.80, no.32. See also V.L.Uspensky, Prince Yunli (1697-
           the Grand Council, the most influential policy-making body in the   1738): Manchu Statesman and Tibetan Buddhist, Tokyo, 1997; and for
           Qing Empire, empowering and investing him with great authority. His   his poetry anthology see Chun he tang shi ji 春和堂詩集 (The Collected
           proposal to reduce taxation in the Jiangnan region was highly regarded  Poems of the Master of Peaceful Spring Hall), Shanghai, 2009.

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