Page 86 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 86

           The softly-polished even white translucent stone deftly carved in the
           form of an archaic bronze gu vessel supported on a short hollow foot,
           the central mid-section with a narrow band of interlinked ruyi-heads.
           9.1cm (3 1/2in) high

           HK$400,000 - 600,000
           US$51,000 - 77,000

           清乾隆 白玉雕如意紋花觚

           Jade House, Hong Kong, purchased on 21 March 1964
           A Canadian private collection
           Sold in our London Rooms, 8 November 2012, lot 188

           Jade House,香港,購於1964年3月21日

           This flaring white jade gu vase exemplifies the personal taste of the   白玉玉質,撇口,鼓腹,高足。玲瓏雅緻。器身大部分素面,肩部浮
           Qianlong Emperor, and is notable for the exceptional quality of the   雕如意形鎖相扣,慕古追新,頗有創意。
           white jade stone.
           The elegant form is inspired by the archaic bronze gu ritual wine   聞匪」,認為古典器物樸素、精純、高雅、有意涵,為此曾命梁詩正
           vessels of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, reinterpreted by the Qing   等人纂修《西清古鑑》,記錄清代宮廷所收藏商周至唐代青銅器過千
           dynasty master carver into a smaller exquisite version of antiquity.   件,繼而為玉匠提供靈感,詳閱張麗端著《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫
           This was in accordance with the Qianlong Emperor’s wish to ‘restore   意玉器特展圖錄》,台北,1997年,頁49。
           ancient ways’, suggesting that jade carvers turn to antiquity for
           models, which would enable them to imbue their designs with   參看北京故宮博物院藏一件白玉素面小唾盂式瓶,底刻「道光御
           simplicity and honesty, and so achieve refinement and elegance.    用」款,著錄於《故宮博物院藏品大系:玉器編10清代玉器》,北
           The ‘ancient ways’ referred to the intrinsic values of sincerity, simplicity,  京,2011年,編號210。
           and happy exuberance; see Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of
           the Emperor: Special Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of   另見香港佳士得曾售出十八世紀一例,2014年5月28日,拍品編號
           the Ch’ing Court, National Palace Museum, Taipei, 1997, p.49.   3565。

           The present lot is undecorated except for the low-relief carving of
           the auspicious ruyi interlinked-heads around the central section,
           accentuating the pure quality of the jade stone, allowing the beholder
           to revel in its graceful form and lustrous white tone. A related zhadou,
           Qing dynasty, inscribed Daoguang yu yong, of slightly smaller size and
           entirely plain, is illustrated in Compendium of Collections in the Palace
           Museum: Jade 10 Qing Dynasty, Beijing, 2011, pl.210.

           A related white jade zhadou, 18th century, was sold at Christie’s Hong
           Kong, 28 May 2014, lot 3565.

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