Page 91 - Nov 28 Chinese Art Hong Kong
P. 91

           A VERY FINE WHITE JADE ‘TWIN-FISH’ BOWL           The Qianlong Emperor favoured forms and designs inspired by
           Qianlong                                          antiquity. The ridges on the present bowl were inspired by Western
           The shallow bowl elegantly rising from a spreading foot to a slightly   Zhou dynasty bronze gui ritual food vessels, and the design of fish can
           flaring rim, the interior superbly carved in low relief with a pair of fish in   be seen on Eastern Zhou dynasty bronze pan vessels, with twin-fish
           mirror image, the exterior meticulously decorated with raised vertical   appearing more frequently from the Song dynasty onwards. Compare
           flanges around the body, the attractive translucent stone of even white   a larger pale green jade twin-fish basin, dated 1786, with similar fish
           tone, wood stand.                                 design, illustrated by M.Knight, He Li, and T.Tse Bartholomew, Later
           9.9cm (3 7/8in) diam. (2).                        Chinese Jades: Ming Dynasty to Early Twentieth Century from the
                                                             Asian Art Museum of San Francisco, San Francisco, 2007, p.180,
           HK$120,000 - 150,000                              pl.181; see also two larger jade twin-fish basins carved with double
           US$15,000 - 19,000                                fish in mirror image, Qianlong, in the National Palace Museum, Taipei,
                                                             illustrated by Chang Li-tuan, The Refined Taste of the Emperor: Special
                                                             Exhibition of Archaic and Pictorial Jades of the Ch’ing Court, Taipei,
           清乾隆 白玉出戟雙魚小碟                                      1997, pls.7 and 9.

           Provenance:                                       A larger white and russet jade ‘twin-fish and bajixiang’ ‘marriage’ bowl,
           An English private collection                     Qianlong, was sold in these Rooms, 4 June 2015, lot 41.

           來源:                                               此雙魚玉碟玉質純淨,外壁出戟設計受上古彝器啟發,內飾雙魚
           英國私人舊藏                                            更於宋代多見,可謂宮廷仿古玲瓏佳器一例。三藩市亞洲藝術博
                                                             物館藏一件尺寸較大青白玉雕雙魚盤,見M.Knight, He Li 及 T.Tse
           The present bowl is remarkable for its translucent white stone and   Bartholomew,《Later Chinese Jades: Ming Dynasty to Early
           auspicious symbolism. The twin-fish symbol is considered as one of   Twentieth Century from the Asian Art Museum of San Francisco》,三
           the most auspicious motifs of the Eight Buddhist Emblems, bajixiang,   藩市,2007年,頁180,圖版181;另見台北國立故宮博物院藏兩件
           representing freedom from restraint as well as the wish for marital bliss,   清乾隆玉雕雙魚大盤,著錄於《宮廷之雅:清代仿古及畫意玉器特展
           prosperity and an abundance of good luck. As fish are reputed to   圖錄》,台北,1997年,圖7及9。
           swim in pairs and are known for their reproductive powers, the double-
           fish also signifies the joys of union and numerous offspring.   香港邦瀚斯曾售出清乾隆白玉雕八吉祥雙魚洗,可資比較,2015年6

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