Page 18 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Chang e Wha Collection of Jades
P. 18

fig. 2                         fig. 3
                                           圖二                             圖三

         凸飾的造型更加多變誇張,而且出現新款式,如河北定縣西漢                          ring’ has gradually turned into archer’s ring-form pendant that is purely
         墓出土的一件韘形珮(圖三),上下高8釐米、寬3.5釐米,形體為                      decorative. Secondly, the flange is divided into left and right sections
                                                              much like two ears, and come in many designs, some carved as two
         趨於狹長的扁薄片狀。出廓的凸飾,鏤雕口銜綬帶的長尾鳳鳥,                         stylized phoenixes, others carved as equally sized but asymmetrical
         依偎於高聳的竹木旁。此器特色有二,一是原分為兩側而各自                          parts. Thirdly, since these ‘archer’s rings’ are used as decorative
         獨立的凸飾已相互連結成單一構圖,環繞分布於主體;二是中孔                         pendants, they have become flattened, the central apertures reduced,
         不但口徑趨小,而且呈現橢圓,配合整體狹長形態,具有美化整                         and the decorations are more elaborate.
                                                              In mid Western Han period the utilitarian archer’s rings have all but
                                                              disappeared, while archer’s ring-form pendants were en vogue. Apart
                                                              from getting flatter, the flange designs were becoming ever more
         進入漢代晚期,韘形珮也有幾個共同特點。其一,器身趨向狹長                         exaggerated, and new forms started to appear. An archer’s ring-form
         形狀發展,孔徑多數因而趨小,偶見略大者,且其圓孔也傾於橢                         pendant excavated in the Western Han tomb in Ding county, Hebei
         圓的變化。其二,左右兩側出廓的凸飾異常發達,甚至誇張式的                         (fig. 3), measuring 8 cm. long and 3.5 cm. wide, has an elongated shape
                                                              and very thin body. The flange design is carved as a long-tailed phoenix
         包圍於主體周邊。其三,由於美化的需求,兩側出廓的龍、虎或                         biting a ribbon in its beak and leaning on a tall tree/bamboo. There are
         鳥獸紋,形態顯得格外修長蜿蜒,或與襯附的雲海紋飾纏繞,                          two interesting aspects about this pendant: firstly, the two parts of the
         生動活潑又凝厚洗練,具有明顯的時代風采。                                 flange, normally independent from each other, have now been joined
                                                              in a single composition surrounding the whole pendant; secondly, the
                                                              interior aperture is not only smaller, it has also become oval in shape
                                                              to correspond to the elongated form of the pendant, and visually more
                                                              pleasing. These new designs also appear on other excavated jade archer’s
                                                              ring-form pendants of the same period.

                                                              In late Han period the archer’s ring-form pendants share certain
                                                              common characteristics: firstly, the elongation of form continues, and
                                                              the apertures become ever smaller, only occasionally do larger ones
                                                              appear, and most are oval in shape; secondly, the two flanges on the
                                                              right and left have become extraordinarily elaborate, and envelop the
                                                              whole pendant; thirdly, for reasons of aesthetics, the dragon, tiger, birds
                                                              or animal decorations on the flanges are also elongated and curvilinear,
                                                              or incorporated in the cloud scrolls to form a dynamic and sophisticated
                                                              design, which is very characteristic of the period.

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