Page 13 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Chang e Wha Collection of Jades
P. 13

          THREE JADE FIGURAL PLAQUES                          秦   玉人三件
          QIN DYNASTY (221-206 BC)
          The group comprises a male figural plaque distinguished by a topknot   來源
          on the head and incised facial features including a moustache and   藍田山房舊藏,1992年購於台北
          beard, his belt rendered in incised crisscross lines; the other two
          female figural plaques charactertised by hairless rounded heads, simple   此組由一件男性玉人及兩件女性玉人組成。男性玉人頭頂一側有髮
          incised facial features and a horizontal line representing the belt.  髻,帶穿孔,面部單線陰刻眉、眼、鼻、口、髭、鬚,腰部陰刻菱格紋
          The tallest: 3º in. (8.2 cm.) high, boxes       (3)  橫線表示,形象較為簡單。
          HK$50,000-80,000                 US$6,500-10,000    玉人(圖一),男性玉人具髮髻、面刻鬍鬚、身刻菱格紋腰帶;女性
          P R O V E N AN C E                                  示製作年代可能非常接近。該對玉人現藏西安博物院,2016年展覽
          Lantien Shanfang Collection, acquired in Taipei in 1992  於國立故宮博物院,《秦業流風:秦文化特展》,台北,2016年,圖錄
          Two very similar jade plaques, also with the male figure represented   璋、玉琥、玉 等,種類齊全,很大可能是祭祀用玉。
          by a topknot, moustache and beard, and female figure represented
          by a hairless rounded head, were unearthed at a jade pit at Lianzhi
          Village in Xi’an, in which a variety of other jade pieces were found
          together, suggesting their ceremonial function. Dating to the Qin
          dynasty, these two plaques share strikingly similar style and details
          with our current lot, suggesting a similar date. They are now in the
          collection of the Xi’an Museum, included in the National Palace
          Museum exhibition Reverberations of Qin Heritage: Qin Culture
          Exhibition, Taipei, 2016, catalogue pl. 75 (fig. 1).

                                                                                     fig. 1

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