Page 12 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Chang e Wha Collection of Jades
P. 12

<遊絲刻>則發端於春秋晚期,流行於戰國中晚期,至兩漢                           Yousike was developed in late Spring and Autumn period, became
                                                              fashionable in mid to late Warring States and reached its zenith
         達到頂峰,是一種細陰刻線微雕治玉的技術,有「單陰線」、                          in the Two Han Dynasties. It is a technique involving very fine
         「雙陰線」、「直線」、「曲線」、「短斜線」…等多種方式,                         incised  lines,  including  ‘single  line’,  ‘double  line’,  ‘straight  line’,
         多是用細小勾砣工具旋切而成,依照工藝需求亦略有粗細、                           ‘curved line’  and  ‘short  diagonal  line’ etc.,  made  by connecting
                                                              minute wheel cuts that varied in thickness, complexity and depth
         繁簡、深淺之分。玉器中常見的束絲紋、捲雲紋、花枝紋、                           according to different designs. This technique is used to denote fine
         草葉紋、綹毛紋、細鱗紋、細網格紋及禽獸五官細部、人物                           parallel lines, cloud scrolls, floral scrolls, leaves, animal hair, scales,
                                                              crisscrosses, facial features on animals, human hair and details of
         髮絲、服飾等,皆歸於<遊絲刻>運用範疇。                                 clothing etc.
                                                              The varieties of decorations on Han jades are also kaleidoscopic, and
         漢代玉器的紋飾變化更是花樣百出,精彩紛呈,主要為兩類:                          can be roughly divided into two types: the first type is geometric
         一類為幾何紋樣,最常見穀紋、蒲紋和乳丁紋,主要刻在環、                          designs, most commonly grain pattern, rush-matt pattern and nipple
                                                              pattern, often found on ritual objects such as huan, bi and huang. The
         璧、璜等禮器表面;另一類是動物禽鳥紋飾,龍、鳳、螭虎、                          other type is animal patterns, such as dragon, phoenix, chi tiger,
         熊、鷹、及神話瑞獸…等,均以寫實為主,採用陰刻、鏤雕、                          bear, eagle and various mythical beasts. These are mostly done in a
                                                              realistic manner and rendered using recess carving, pierced carving,
         淺浮雕和高浮雕…等多種表現技法,突破了商周以來玉器                            low relief and high relief carving etc. They differ from the more
         紋飾構圖嚴謹、平衡對稱的法則,整體更加活潑瑰麗。                             static and symmetrical compositions found on Shang and Zhou
                                                              jades, and are much more dynamic and elaborate.
                                                              The existing Chinese belief in mythical beasts mixed with tales of
         同時,由於受中國原有異獸神話的影響,以及當時西域也有                           strange beasts from the west, further augmented by exotic animals
         許多關於異獸的傳說流入,加上西域特有的一些動物品種也                           that arrived in China from overseas, gave rise to the creation of
         帶到中原,因此,在漢代創造出了「玉辟邪」的造型。紋飾上                          jade bixie in the Han Dynasty. Other decorations of mythical beasts
                                                              are also popular, such as the siling (the four sentients): blue dragon,
         也不乏異獸靈物圖紋,「四靈」(青龍、白虎、朱雀、玄武) 就經                       white tiger, vermilion bird and turtle-snake, which often appears
         常在玉璧上出現,單獨的龍、鳳紋裝飾也常用在玉璧上,而                           on jade bi discs. Singular dragons or phoenixes are often used to
                                                              decorate jade  bi discs; and on the flanges of  bi, or on the outer
         且很多的玉璧出廓,穀璧、蒲璧的外圍經常加添螭龍、螭虎、                          registers of bi discs with grain and rush-mat patterns we often see
         臥蠶、雷雲紋…等裝飾,突出而獨特。                                    decorations of chi dragon, chi tiger, silkworm or leiwen, which make
                                                              a striking design.
                                                              The Han culture and art is inclusive in nature. The jade production
         漢代文化藝術兼容並蓄,當時的玉器製作呈現集中化發展                            became much more centralised and there were many palace as well
         趨勢,產生了為數不少的宮廷及民間玉作坊,使漢代玉器的                           as private workshops making an unprecedented variety and quantity
         品種和數量超過以往任何朝代,其工藝技術和藝術水準也                            of jades, which were unsurpassed in terms of their craftsmanship and
                                                              artistry. They are the most iconic cultural symbols of this illustrious
         達到歷史頂峰,是兩漢盛世最具代表性的文化標誌之一。                            period in Chinese history.

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