Page 9 - Christie's Hong Kong November 29, 2022 Chang e Wha Collection of Jades
P. 9

曲終  人不散


             「雲中玉筵」,在今年秋拍推出〈秦漢篇〉最終回之後,將                       本次「雲中玉筵」—〈秦漢篇〉,在參考歷史文獻、出土記
             暫告一段落。                                           錄、各地博物館藏品,以及本人幾年來的觀察和熊宜敬先生
             觀點推動古玉市場的計畫,全賴喜愛玉器同好的大力支持,                       最後,要感謝提供這個平台的香港佳士得器物部門,也謝謝
             於此特別表示萬分的謝意。                                     四年來參與編輯的專家們。

             天下沒有不散的宴席。這幾年來,「雲中玉筵」有幸聚集了                       後記:「養德堂」和「雲中居」,尚有幾件遺珍和重要藏品,
             玉器同好們共襄盛舉,但由於我個人能力有限,雖前後歷經                       將會選擇適當的時機推出。

             THE CURTAIN FALLS,

             BUT NOT YET GOODBYE

             Chang Wei-Hwa

             ‘The Jade Feast in the Clouds’ concludes this autumn with the last   The current chapter Qin and Han Dynasties takes into account
             chapter – Qin and Han Dynasties.                 historical records, excavation reports, museum collections, my own
                                                              observations over the years as well as the expertise of Mr. Hsiung Yi-
             Over the past four challenging years, this series of chronologically   Ching, who also authored and edited much of the content.
             themed sales aimed at revitalizing the archaic jade market have
             rolled out according to plan, all on the back of support from jade-  Lastly, I would like to thank Christie’s Chinese Works of Art
             loving aficionados and fellow collectors, to whom I owe my deepest   Department for providing this platform, as well as all the specialists
             gratitude.                                       involved in the last four years.
             All good things must come to an end. The Jade Feast was fortunate   End note:
             to have enthusiastic participation over the past years, but my limited
             ability was barely enough to put together these four sales, even after   There are a few remaining objects in the Yangdetang Collection and
             over twenty years of collecting. I am acutely aware that there are many   from Yunzhongju which will be offered at an opportune time in
             gaps and shortfalls in the collection, but I hope this meagre effort can   the future.
             have a ripple effect to entice more collections to come to the fore,
             thereby enriching the archaic jade market.

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