Page 34 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 34
38. Plate. Chinese (American market), ca. I765.Hard paste. Theoverglazeforal decorationon the Verplanckserviceis entirely
Diam. I37/8 in. (35.2 cm). Gift of James DeLancey Verplanck European.Wereit notfor its unbrokenfamilyhistory,the closerelation-
and John Bayard Rodgers Verplanck, I939 (39.I84.22) shipof thedesignto that on Meissenporcelainwould suggestthat it had
beenmadeforthe GermanorScandinavianmarket.Theownershipby
36 SamuelandJudith (nee Crommelin)Verplanckis well acknowledged,
however;theservicewaspresumablyorderedfortheirhouseat3 Wall
Street,New York,wheretheylivedfrom i763 until 1803.