Page 44 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 44
48. Covered Sauce Tureen and Underplate.
Chinese (American market), ca. 1786.Hard
paste. Tureen: h. 5I/2in. (I4 cm). Rogers
Fund, 1948 (48.8.Ia, b). Underplate: 1. 77/8 in.
(20 cm). Purchase,Anna Glen B. Vietor
Gift, in memory of her husband, Alexander
Orr Vietor, 1992 (1992.287)
Thissaucetureenmayoriginallyhave ampli-
fied a 272-piecedinnerservice,describedmerely
as "ciphered"t,hat was orderedbyElias Hasket
Derby (1739-1799),a wealthySalemmerchant
active in the Chinatrade.It waspresumably
part of the cargoof thei786-87 voyageof the
Grand Turk, a shipfinancedbyDerbyand
oneof thefirstAmericanvesselsto embarkon
tradewith Chinafollowing the voyageof the
Empress of China.
49. Plate. Chinese (American market),
ca. I785-90. Hard paste. Diam. 95/8 in.
(24.4 cm). Gift of Charles K. Davis, 1948
This restrainedplatewas madeforthe
MorganfamilyofHartfordC, onnecticut.
Thereweretwo similarMorganservices,each
armson oneversionis the name "Morgan"t;he
other(shownhere)includesthegiven name
"Elias"aswell. TheMorganfamily had ties to
the ChinatradethroughJohn Morgan,a
carpenteron the Empress of Chinasfirst
voyageto theFar East. Relativesof his, the
half brotherJsohn and Elias, wereprominent