Page 45 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 45
50. PunchBowl.Chinese(Americanmarket), .; \
ca. I784-90. Hard paste. H. 6'/4 in. (I5.9 cm).
Bequest of Edith Pryor,1935 (35.II2) :
Thefirstpunchbowlsto comefromChinato
Americaon the Empress of Chinafeature a rim
decorationoffloralswagsand tasselsthat relate
closelyto thoseon this example.Furthermoret,he
merchantshipflying anAmericanfag painted on
thesideand on the interioris verysimilarto the
Empress oranotherAmericanvessel,theGrand
Turk. The initialsJL that appearon thebowl's
exterior are those ofJohn Lamb (I735-80oo), an
YorkerI.n 1784, theyear the Empress of China
sailed,he becamecollectorof customsfortheport of
New York,a rolethatgave him closeties to the
burgeoningseatradeout of theharborto China.
Punchbowl, detailof interior