Page 8 - Met Museum Export Porcelain 2003
P. 8
5. Taperstick. Chinese (probably Dutch market), ca. I700-I710. 6. Standing Covered Cup. Chinese (European market),
Hard paste. H. 5/4 in. (I3.3cm). Helena Woolworth McCann ca. I690-I700. Hard paste. H. 9 in. (22.9 cm). Purchase by
Collection, Purchase, Winfield Foundation Gift, 1970 (1970.266.3)
subscription, I879 (79.2.242a, b)
Thestepped,square-sectionedformof the taperstickis derivedfrom
late-seventeenth-centurymetalwork,but this example-with its A verysimilarformhas beenrecordedin Netherlandishglass of about
multiplestagesand carefullyzoneddecoration-is probablybased I690, andglass mayhave beenthe inspirationforthisgoblet;but the
on apainted woodmodel. multipleturningsand thehighlyorganizeddecorationsuggesta
painted woodmodelas its immediatesource.Tenvariant examples
of thegoblet,similarlypainted, werefound in the cargoof theVung
Tau, a Chinesejunk boundforBatavia that sankoffthesouthern
coastof Vietnamabout1690-1700. Byfar the largestportion of the
cargoconsistedof diferent typesof vases,a clearindicationthat it was
intendedto meetthe newfashion in northernEuropeforcollecting
Chineseporcelainas interiordecorationto bedisplayedonfurniture,
onfloors, and on shelvescoveringentirewalls.