Page 116 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 116

LIN SHU (1852-1924)                               林紓(1852-1924)
                 Original name Qunyu, courtesy name Qinnan, sobriquets including   原名群玉,字琴南,號畏廬,別署冷紅生,晚號蠡叟、踐卓翁、六橋
                 Weilu, Lenghongsheng, Jianzhuoweng, Liuqiao buliu weng, Chang’an   補柳翁、長安賣畫翁等,室名春覺齋、煙雲樓。福建閩縣(今福州)
                 maihua weng, studio names Chunjuezhai and Yanyunlou, a native   人。少孤家貧,自幼嗜書如命。十一歲從同里薛錫极問古文辭,其後
                 of Min county (now Fuzhou), Fujian Province. Lin Shu studied with a   廿年間「雜收斷簡零篇,用自磨治」,校閱古籍不下二千餘卷。非但
                 fellow county tutor Xue Xiji at the age of 11, in the 20 years followed, he  經、子、史籍,凡唐宋小說家言也無不搜括。一八九七年,與陳壁、
                 read extensively and intensively more than 2,000 volumes of Chinese   孫葆縉、陳寶琛等創辦福州蒼霞精舍。一八九九年,與王壽昌合作翻
                 Classics as well as literature books that were within his reach. In 1897,   譯小仲馬名著《巴黎茶花女遺事》,由上海昌言報館發行,乃中國第
                 together with Chen Bi, Sun Baojin and Chen Baochen, Lin co-founded   一部翻譯小說。此後廿年間,林紓翻譯小說達一百八十餘種,其中不
                 Cangxia Jingshe, an educational institution with renovative concepts,   乏世界名著,其譯筆傳神而流暢,風靡一時。
                 in Fuzhou. Two years later, The Lady of the Camellias by Alexandre
                 Dumas fils (1824-1895), translated by Lin Shu and Wang Shouchang,   林紓二十歲拜福建詔安名家陳文台(1816-1899)為師,學習花鳥、
                 was published in Shanghai. Lin was the very first person who brought   山水。光緒二十六年(1901),林紓遷居北京,先後於金台書院、京
                 western literature to its Chinese readers. The book was an instant best   師大學堂、北京大學等學府講授古文經學,期間廣泛交遊,飽覽歷代
                 seller, while Lin was highly appraised for his fluent and elegant Chinese.  名家真跡,繼而專攻傳統文人山水畫。一九一五年,加入余紹宋發起
                 During the next two decades, Lin translated over 180 novels from   組織的「宣南畫社」,與梁啟超、姚華、陳師曾、蕭俊賢、陳半丁、
                 British, American and Russian authors, many of which are masterpieces  沈尹默、蕭愻等時相雅集。《清史稿·文苑傳》曰: 「尤善畫,山水
                 in the world of literature.                       渾厚,冶南北於一爐,時皆寶之」。傳世有《林譯小說叢書》 、
                                                                   《畏廬文集》、 《畏廬瑣記》、 《畏廬漫錄》、 《畏廬遺蹟》及
                 At the age of 20, Lin Shu began to learn painting with Chen Wentai   《春覺齋論畫》等。
                 (1816-1899), mainly flower and bird painting. It was not until he settled
                 in Beijing in 1901, he had the opportunity to view many great works by
                 the ancient masters, and redirected his focus on landscape painting. He
                 joined Xuannan Painting Society, organized by Yu Shaosong, in 1915,
                 and sharpened his skills by mingling with many talented artists such as
                 Liang Qichao, Yao Hua, Chen Shizeng, Xiao Junxian. His landscape is
                 characterized as being “rich and lordly” by “combining the northern and
                 southern styles aptly”, and was highly sought after at the time.

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