Page 208 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 208

                 DING YANYONG (1902-1978)                          丁衍庸 天馬 水墨紙本 立軸 一九七八年作
                 Heavenly Horse, 1978
                 Hanging scroll, ink on paper, inscribed by the artist with a poem,   款識:
                 signed Ding Yanyong, dated wuwu (1978), with one zodiac artist’s seal.   天馬樂行空,昂首氣如龍。祝君行好運,馬到便亨通。戊午(1978)
                 138 x 69cm (54¼ x 27⅛in)                          丁衍庸。

                 HKD100,000 - 150,000                              鈐印:肖形印
                 US$13,000 - 19,000
                 Published                                         Little, Stephen, J. May Lee Barrett,《古調新歌:費立哲牧師珍藏十九
                 Little, Stephen, and J. May Lee Barrett, New Songs on Ancient Tunes:   及二十世紀中國書畫》,檀香山藝術博物館,夏威夷,2007年,頁
                 19th-20th Century Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy from the Richard  514-515
                 Fabian Collection, Honolulu: Honolulu Museum of Arts, 2007, pp.514-
                 515                                               Andrews, Julia Frances, Michael Knight, Pauline Yao,《風雲際會:從
                 Andrews, Julia Frances, Michael Knight, and Pauline Yao, Between the  館,李鐘文亞洲藝術文化中心,舊金山,加州,2000年,頁200
                 Thunder and the Rain: Chinese Paintings from the Opium War Through
                 the Cultural Revolution, 1840-1979. San Francisco: Echo Rock   展覽:
                 Ventures, in association with the Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon Lee   《風雲際會:從鴉片戰爭到「文革」(1840-1979)的中國繪畫》,
                 Center for Asian Art and Culture, 2000, p.200     亞洲藝術博物館,舊金山,加州,2000年10月25日至2001年1月14日

                 Exhibited                                         《古調新歌:費立哲牧師珍藏十九及二十世紀中國書畫》,檀香山藝
                 Between the Thunder and the Rain, Asian Art Museum Chong-Moon   術博物館,夏威夷,2007年8月30日至10月28日
                 Lee Center for Asian Art and Culture, San Francisco, CA, October 25,
                 2000-January 14, 2001                             來源:
                 New Songs on Ancient Tunes, Honolulu Art Museum, Honolulu, HI,
                 August 30-October 28, 2007

                 Sotheby’s New York, Fine Chinese Paintings, 28 April 1982, lot 10

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