Page 206 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 206
DING YANYONG (1902-1978)
Courtesy name Jibo, sobriquet Shudan, was born in Maoming 名衍鏞(後以衍庸行),字紀伯,號叔旦。廣東茂名縣(今高州市)
county (now Gaozhou city), Guangdong Province. After graduated 人。一九二〇年茂名中學畢業,獲廣東省政府保送赴日留學,秋天進
from Maoming High School, Ding was dispatched to study art in 入東京川端畫學校補習素描,次年考入東京美術學校西洋畫科,為同
Japan on government scholarship in 1920, and was admitted to the 期六名留學生之一。一九二二年,參觀第一屆法國現代美術展覽會,
Department of Western Paintings of the Tokyo University of Arts the 從印象派、後印象派、立體派及野獸派諸家獲得啟發。一九二五年底
following year. Upon graduation in the winter of 1925, he returned to 學成返國,活躍於上海藝壇,與陳抱一、關良、陳樹人、高劍父、倪
Shanghai, and instantly became one of the most active members of 貽德等志同道合的藝術家成立多個美術社團,積極宣傳新的、進步的
the community. Together with his avant-garde peers such as Chen 藝術理念。參與籌劃上海藝術協會,並於一九二八年舉辦了規模盛大
Baoyi, Guan Liang, Chen Shuren, Gao Jianfu and Ni Yide, they 的「第一屆展覽會」。次年參與籌備廣州市立博物院,因而接觸到古
founded art organisations to advocate fervently new and progressive 代書畫及金石文物,從八大山人、石濤的畫作中汲取靈感,開始了融
concepts of art. Ding taught western art at a number of prominent 合中西的藝術追求。在此期間,丁氏活躍於廣州、上海、重慶等地藝
art schools in Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chongqing throughout the 壇,不遺餘力地推廣美術教育。一九四九年孤身南下,定居香港。一
1930s and 1940s. It was during the preparation and establishment 九五六年應新亞書院校長錢穆(1895–1990)邀請,與陳士文合辦新亞
of Guangzhou Municipal Museum of Art in 1929, Ding Yanyong first 書院藝術專修科(即香港中文大學藝術系前身),並在此執教直至謝
discovered the power of ancient Chinese literati paintings, and was 世。
profoundly inspired by the works of Bada Shanren. His life-long
pursuit of combining the modern spirit of Western art with Chinese 丁氏早歲專攻油畫,受野獸派風格影響甚深,作品色彩絢艷、線條簡
tradition then began. Ding moved to Hong Kong in 1949 where he 潔,被讚為「東方馬蒂斯」。晚期調和中西,醉心於水墨創作。不論
continued to teach art and paint. In 1956, he co-founded with Chen 山水、人物抑或花鳥,下筆豪放,佈局大膽,留白巧妙,意境深遠,
Shiwen the Fine Arts Division at New Asia College, now the Fine Arts 並趣味橫生。其書法、篆刻亦獨樹一幟,有「現代八大山人」之譽。
Department of Chinese University of Hong Kong, where Ding taught 與林風眠、關良並稱「廣東三傑」。
till the last few months of his life.
In his early years, Ding Yanyong was heavily influenced by Fauvism.
His works featured bright and strong colours, as well as clear and
simple lines, which brought him the name of “Matisse of the East”.
In his later years, however, he returned to the mastery of Chinese
ink and brush. By adopting the substance of the ancient masters
such as Bada and Xu Wei, Ding created a style that is distinguishably
unique. Be it a landscape, flower-bird, or a figurative painting, bold
brush strokes and unconventional compositions are his signature,
and vigorousness and liveliness are in abundance. During his lifetime,
he participated numerous important exhibitions in France, the United
States, Japan, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Ding Yanyong is
highly regarded as the “Modern Bada Shanren”, and shares the fame
of “Three Outstanding Painters from Guangdong” with Lin Fengmian
and Guan Liang.