Page 202 - 2020 November 30 Bonhams Rev. Richard Fabian Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy Hong Kong
P. 202
GAO QIFENG (1889-1933) 高奇峰 (1889-1933)
Original name Weng, used the courtesy name Qifeng, and was a 名 ,字奇峰,廣東番禺人。嶺南畫派創始人之一,與胞兄高劍父、
native of Panyu, Guangdong Province. Gao Qifeng was one of the 陳樹人合稱「二高一陳」,又稱「嶺南三傑」。幼從劍父習畫,承居
founders of the Lingnan School of painting. With his older brother Gao 廉、居巢畫風。十七歲隨劍父留學日本,接觸西方寫生素描、透視等
Jianfu and Chen Shuren, the three were known as “two Gao’s, one 技法,從中西畫學 取所長,形成獨特藝術風格。尤擅翎毛、走獸、
Chen” and the “Three Greats of Lingnan”. At a young age, Gao studied 花卉,亦能山水、人物,用筆能粗能細,能工能寫。曾任教於廣東甲
painting with his brother Jianfu and learned the style of Ju Lian and Ju 種工業學校,並創辦美學館授藝。一九二五年始,執教於嶺南大學。
Chao. At the age of seventeen, Gao went to Japan with his brother, 一九二九年於珠江邊隱居養病,深居簡出,仍不放棄作畫。一九三三
where he learned western painting methods such as sketching and 年,在籌備赴德國舉行的中國藝術展覧時舊疾復發,病逝於上海。
perspective. He selected the best from Chinese and Western painting
to create his own unique style. He excelled in painting birds, animals, 高氏作品融合國畫傳統筆墨形式與日本畫法,注重寫生亦長於用色和
and flowers, as well as landscapes and figures; his brushwork can be 水墨渲染,具有用筆雄健、敷色濕潤、形象生動的特點。晚期作品多
rough or delicate, fine or expressive. Gao taught at the Guangdong 粗獷豪邁的寫意之體。高劍父、高奇峰於上海、廣州等地開館授徒,
Industrial School and opened art academies; from 1925, he also 更於上海出版〈真相畫報〉及廣州出版〈時事畫報〉,鼓吹革命並宣
taught at Lingnan University. He continued to paint after retreating to 傳新興國畫,影響深遠。弟子趙少昂、張坤儀、葉少秉、何漆園、容
the shores of Zhujiang River for convalescence in 1929. Gao died from 漱石、黃少強、周一峰七人,合稱「天風七子」。
an illness in 1933 in Shanghai at the young age of 44 while planning an
exhibition of Chinese art to be held in Germany.
Gao Qifeng’s paintings combine traditional Chinese ink brush
techniques with Japanese painting styles, emphasizing sketching
as well as colour and ink washes. They are distinguished by strong
brushwork, rich colour, and lively figures; his late works are bold and
expressive. Gao Jianfu and Gao Qifeng taught painting in Shanghai
and Guangzhou; they established the pictorials “Zhenxiang Huabao”
and “Shishi Huabao” which supported the Revolution and promoted a
new style of traditional Chinese painting. Gao Qifeng’s artistic influence
was substantial: among his pupils were Zhao Shao’ang, Zhang Kunyi,
Ye Shaobing, He Qiyuan, Rong Shushi, Huang Shaoqiang, and Zhou
Yifeng, known collectively as the “Seven Disciples of the Tianfeng