Page 44 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Fine Buddhist Works of Art
P. 44


    A BUDDHIST VOTIVE PAINTING OF                                        明  蓮池觀音像

    GUANYIN AND SUDHANA                                                  來源
    MING DYNASTY (1368-1644)
    The painting depicts Guanyin with a circular halo and half-
    opened downcast eyes against a background of a bamboo grove          此畫繪白衣觀音,悠然坐在蓮池亭台間,斜倚欄杆,並俯視蓮池中
    and a white parrot perched on a large rock. She reclines against an  盛開朵朵的蓮花,後方還見假山及數株紫竹,石上棲身一枝金剛鸚
    ornate balustrade above a blossoming lotus pond and wears a long,    鵡。觀音頭戴寶冠,冠中有阿彌陀佛。其右欄柱上置一楊柳淨瓶,
    loose-fitting white robe with a bejewelled crown accommodating       左下角有善財童子赤足立於岩上,其雙手合十呈禮拜觀音貌。此畫
    Amitabha Buddha. A vase with a willow sprig can be seen on her       中央高處並鈐有滿漢合璧的「和碩果親王之寶」藏印。
    right-hand side and in the lower left of the painting is Sudhana
    standing on a rock and paying homage. The seal at the top centre
    is in both Chinese and Manchu scripts suggesting that the painting
    was collected by Prince Guo (1697-1738), Yunli, the 17th son of
    Emperor Kangxi.
    Scroll, mounted and framed, ink and colour on hemp
    75 æ x 36 Ω in. (192 x 92.5 cm.)
    With seal of Prince Guo and ten other collector’s seals

    HK$3,500,000-5,000,000 US$460,000-650,000


    Sold at Sotheby’s Hong Kong, 27 April 2003, lot 319

           Seal of Prince Guo                                            inscription
          「和碩果親王之寶」印                                                         題識

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