Page 49 - Christie's Hong Kong May 31, 2017 Fine Buddhist Works of Art
P. 49

fig. 1 Detail of a mural depicting the 5th Dalai Lama blessing the Emperor Shunzhi, east wall, Red Palace, Potala Palace, Lhasa
                                          圖一 布達拉宮紅宮西有寂圓滿大殿東牆五世達賴喇嘛覲見順治帝壁畫細圖

A WOVEN                                                                                 羅織佛緣 —

In 1642, shortly before the reign of the first Qing dynasty emperor, Shunzhi (r.        1642 年,格魯派在藏中地區取得政權,成為西藏地區的實
1644-61), the Gelugpa monastic order achieved political dominance in central            際統治者。順治時期,世祖皇帝特邀格魯派的五世達賴來
Tibet. It was during the reign of the Shunzhi Emperor that an imperial invitation       訪北京。五世達賴接受了邀請,於 1652 年出發,在北京
to visit Beijing was proposed exclusively to the Gelugpa hierarch, who was the de       逗留了近兩年,於 1654/55 年回到西藏,在期間收到許多
facto ruler of Tibet. The Fifth Dalai Lama left for Beijing in 1652, and returned in    清廷贈與的禮物。這盛大的場面曾被布達拉宮紅宮西有寂
1654/55, during which time he received many Imperial gifts from the Qing court.         圓滿大殿東牆的壁畫生動地紀錄下來(圖一)。本件緙絲
This historical event was recorded in a mural on the east wall of the West Audience     六臂大黑天唐卡不但具有格魯派造像的特徵,其作工精美
Hall in the Red Palace of the Potala Palace, Lhasa (fig. 1).The current kesi hanging,   細緻,用色明亮多變,極具宮廷風格,非常有可能便是當
in view of the emphasis on Gelugpa iconography in the central portion and its           時贈送給五世達賴的皇家禮物之一。
excellent quality, was indeed very possible to have been one of these gifts to the
Fifth Dalai Lama during or after his historic visit to Beijing in the mid-seventeenth   六臂大黑天是密宗最重要的守護神之一,更是格魯派的重
century.                                                                                要神祇。大黑天上有金剛總持,格魯派祖師宗喀巴以及另
The black Six-Arm Mahakala, one of the most important Tibetan protective deities,       祥天母外)可以在另外一件十七世紀的彩繪唐卡上見到,
is especially venerated by the Gelugpa monastic school, whose founder,Tsongkhapa,       著錄於《Wisdom and Compassion》,紐約,1991 年,頁
is portrayed above the Mahakala, along with the Buddha Vajradhara and another           296-97,112 號,同樣在大黑天上方有宗喀巴像。雖然大
Gelugpa monk. The configuration of all of the deities, except for Lha mo, is to be      黑天神態駭人,但是整個唐卡的風格非常華美,紋飾豐富、
found in a gouache on cotton thangka of the Six-Arm Mahakala of Wisdom, which
was studied by Giuseppi Tucci in Tibetan Painted Scrolls, vol. 2, Rome, 1949, pl. 195,
and attributed to the seventeenth century by Marilyn Rhie and Robert Thurman
in Wisdom and Compassion: The Sacred Art of Tibet, New York, 1991, pp. 296-97,
no. 112. This thangka also includes the figure of Tsongkhapa, as well as two other
Gelugpa lamas, seated above the Mahakala. Despite the gruesome demeanour of the

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