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The Property of a Gentleman (lots 330-332)

330                                                                           foreign authorities to grant relief subsidies, including promoting welfare
Soong Mei-Ling (Madame Chiang Kai-Shek)                                       and public charities, establishing medical dispensaries and English
Sian: A Coup d’État                                                           language primary schools; as well as encouraging British subjects to join
FIRST EDITION de luxe bound in hardback, printed in China by Kelly            the Macau police force.
& Walsh Ltd., Shanghai, 1937, printed on specially-prepared Chinese
handmade paper made from bamboo fibre, the Chinese characters on              John’s wife, Rhonda Murray-Kidd, was from a well-known aristocratic
the silk cover presenting a translation of the titles in the Generalissimo’s  family in Shanghai. John met and married her when he was stationed in
own calligraphy, signed by the author with an impressed four-character        Shanghai before relocating to Macao. It is then, John must have had the
seal mark in red ink, followed by a free-flowing cursive-script signature     pleasure of meeting Madame Chiang Kai-Shek within the socialite class
presumably from the previous owner, also featuring a chapter with             in Shanghai, and would no doubt have been given the personalised copy
historical extracts taken from Chiang Kai-Shek’s diary, totalling one         of the book as a memoir.
hundred and ninety-nine pages.
24.8cm high; 18.4cm wide.                                                     The memoir of John P. Reeves, The Long Flag: Memoir of the British
HK$8,000 - 12,000                                                             Consul in Macao during World War II, edited by Colin Day and Richard
US$1,000 - 1,500                                                              Garrett is to be published by Hong Kong University in 2014.

蔣宋美齡(1898-2003)藏書一冊 《西安兵變記:西安兩週日記節錄》                                          See another identical copy of Sian: A Coup d’Etat / A Fortnight in Sian:
                                                                              Extracts From a Diary signed by Madame Chiang Kai-shek and with her
Provenance 來源:                                                                stamp; also signed by Chiang’s personal pilot Royal Leonard, Zhang’s
Given to John P. Reeves Esq., O.B.E., the British Consul of Macau             “head of operations” James C. Elder, and Zhang’s chief pilot Julius Barr,
Thence by direct descent to the current owner                                 sold in our New York rooms, The Xi’an Incident: The Papers of Hyland
                                                                              “Bud” Lyon, 20 March 2013, lot 8.
John Pownall Reeves, born in London on 7 April 1909, was arguably
one of the most important figures in Hong Kong and Macau between              《西安兵變記:西安兩週日記節錄》(Sian:A Coup d’Etat / A Fortnight
the years 1942-1945 during the Second World War. A vice-consul of the         in Sian:Extracts From a Diary)。上海:中國出版公司(The China
British Foreign Office in Macau at that time, he was tasked to secure and     Publishing Company)1937年發行。8vo尺寸,共119頁。中國手工竹漿
hold the British Foreign Office and outpost in Macau during the outbreak      紙印製。書殼由絲綢包紙板,書名燙金,部分裝訂線鬆散,簽名頁與衬
of war.                                                                       頁有些許褪色,封面輕微磨損及皺褶。

It was not an easy task for a young diplomat, facing thousands upon           帶有蔣宋美齡(蔣介石夫人)簽名及印璽,並由當時駐澳門英國領事約
thousands of refugees from Hong Kong pouring into a small Portuguese          翰·P·瑞福仕(John P. Reeves)署名。約翰生於1909年4月7日倫敦,在
colony seeking salvation and asylum, especially when the Union Jack at        1942年至1945年二戰期間在澳門任職英國駐澳門外事部副領事。在日
the British Foreign Office was the only British flag still flying between     軍侵華期間,他不顧受困於香港的妻子及自己生病的女孩,極力抵抗請
India and Hawaii. Moreover, his wife was marooned in Hong Kong and            略及救助難民,在當地及香港受到群眾擁戴。約翰的妻子倫娜·莫里·基
his only daughter was ill during those troubled times.                        德出生於當時居住於上海的名門望族,而約翰及倫娜在移居澳門之前,
Reeves fortified the only British foothold left in the Far East, which
became a solitary symbol of hope for the Allied cause, whilst                 另一本亦同時由蔣宋美齡、以及蔣介石私人飛機駕駛雷耀·雷諾(Royal
transmitting to the British government news regarding Japanese                Leonard),蔣介石行動總策畫詹母士·奧德(James C. Elder)和蔣介石總機
atrocities. He tried to help rebuild the lives of many by soliciting the      師朱利斯·巴爾(Julius Barr)署名的同發行書籍,由紐約邦瀚斯2013年3月

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