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The Property of a Western Collector
333 Ma arrived and reported for duty in Ansai, northern Shaanxi province.
Seven rare and privately-printed ‘Christmas’ booklets He decided to stay on after his service to support the revolution efforts;
Signed by Ma Haide between 1975-1982, photographed by Rewi Alley several years later, Ma became the first non-Chinese member of the
Each bound with a series of black and white gray-scale photographs Chinese Communist Party and permanent resident of China. Ma passed
by the photographer Rewi Alley, featuring lifestyle and cultural shots away in 1988.
of figures in daily activities, some showing Ma Haide with his family
and relatives, each signed and dated by Ma Haide with a series of The photographs printed in the booklet were taken by Rewi Alley
personalised Christmas greetings and New Year wishes. (1897-1987), a New Zealand-born prolific writer on twentieth century
Each: 8.3cm high. (7). China and the Cultural Revolution. Rewi dedicated sixty years of his
HK$8,000 - 12,000 life to the cause of the Communist Party of China and was a key figure
US$1,000 - 1,500 in establishing inter-cooperation between industries, education and
vocational studies. Rewi migrated to Shanghai in 1927 and he gradually
1975至1982年 馬海德藏路易·艾黎影集書冊七組 became aware of the poverty in the Chinese community and the racism
in the Western communities. He continued to work for the Communist
Provenance 來源: party after the victory over the Nationalists in 1949, producing many
Ivan Malinowski collection (1926-1989) works praising the Party, government and the People’s Republic of China.
Ma Haide (1913-1988) was born George Hatem in an Arab immigrator’s The current lot was acquired directly from the personal library of Ivan
family in Buffalo, New York in 1910. Whilst on his way to achieving his Malinowski (1926-1989), a Danish poet and translator, known for
MD in 1933, he made friends with a fellow international student and writing political poems and essays in a modernist tradition.
classmate from China. Ma was introduced to the whole new world
of Asia: a country with a long splendid history but also stricken with 此七組影集書冊由丹麥詩人及翻譯家伊万·馬林諾夫斯基(1926-1989)
poverty and sickness. Ma left for China alone to offer his medical services 舊藏。每冊包括紐西蘭裔著名攝影師及作家路易·艾黎從1927年始在中
that same year. In Shanghai he met several friends including Song 國六十年間對其鏡頭對當時中國社會貧窮及種族衝突的記錄,並有馬海
Qingling, who informed him that the Chinese Communist Party Central 德親筆手寫的祝福及問候墨筆。
Committee (CCPCC) was inviting foreign journalists and doctors to help
publicise policies and help the wounded against Japanese aggressors.
Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art | 141