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467                                                                          Compare an excavated example of a dou with domed cover but with
A large archaic bronze ritual vessel and cover, pu                           similar pierced foot and surmounted with a lotus leaf finial on the
Eastern Zhou dynasty                                                         cover, unearthed at the old city of Qufu, Shandong province, in 1932,
Heavily cast on a inward curved stand, the slim waist rising gently and      in the Palace Museum, Beijing, illustrated in ibid., Beijing, 1997, p.54,
surmounted by a large circular basin, the stand finely pierced with          no.51; See also another inscribed bronze dou from Shangdong Yishui
entwined chi dragon motifs and archaistic scrolls on multiple friezes,       Luijiadianzi M1, dated to the second half of seventh century BC,
the basin cast with archaistic scrolls in raised bosses issuing four         illustrated by Jenny So, Ancient Chinese Bronzes from the Arthur M.
protruding mythical beast head finials at the compass points, each with      Sackler Collections, vol.III, New York, p.182, fig.24.5
bulging eyes, nostrils, eyebrows and jaws opened wide sticking out its
tongue lapping water, each downcast head framed by a pair of horns           本拍品器形似豆,淺盤鏤空底,蓋頂飾蓮瓣紋,通體飾蟠虺紋,四方
converging to form a taotie mask, all surmounted by a wide domed             有獸首為耳,工藝精湛,感覺華美。根據故宮博物院之專家研究,
cover decorated with bands of archaistic scrolls and geometric patterns      此類似豆之禮器,自名為「鋪」,為豆之別名。《周禮》:「醢人掌四
in concentric circles, surmounted with eight evenly-spaced outward           豆之食」,豆為肉食器,主要盛肉醬之用。北京故宮博物院藏一件魯大
flaring lotus petal finials at the top.                                      司徒可與本拍品作比較,該藏品於1932年在山東曲阜林前村出土,
29cm high. (2).                                                              內有銘文,為魯大司徒厚氏作,掌管籍田與山林川澤等事務,見《中國
HK$700,000 - 900,000                                                         美術分類全集.中國青銅器全集.東周3》,北京,1997年,頁54,編號
US$90,000 - 120,000                                                          51。另見一件山東沂水出土帶銘文的青銅豆,其蓋亦有蓮瓣設計,著錄
                                                                             與Jenny So,《Ancient Chinese Bronzes from the Arthur M. Sackler
東周 青銅蟠虺紋獸首豆形鋪                                                                Collections》,卷3,紐約,頁182,圖24.5。該藏品缺獸首,底部較簡
The ‘dou’ shape derived from the ceramic form in Longshan cultural
contexts of the late Neolithic period and continued in common use
throughout the Shang and Zhou periods. Current lot with elaborate
openwork design and lotus petal finials is also referred as ‘fu’, according
to the research by Du Songnai from the Palace Museum, Beijing, see
Zhongguo Qingtongqi Quanji 9. Eastern Zhou 3, Beijing, 1997, p.18.

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